Jakarta (Antara Megapolitan) - President Joko Widodo has received a report about a firefight in Poso, Central Sulawesi, which is believed to have killed wanted terrorist suspect Santoso.
"The President has already received a report about it," presidential spokesman Johan Budi said here on Monday when asked for his confirmation about the issue.
He said coordinating minister for politicsl, security and legal affairs Luhut Pandjaitan has reported about the fire fight in Poso involving the government's Tinombala Task Force.
Johan said five members of the Santodo-led group had been pacified including one similar to Santoso in the fight.
"One of the bodies has a mole like that of Santoso's," Johan Budi said.
He said the firefight occurred at around 5pm Central Indonesia Time and the bodies had been taken to Palu for process of identification. (Ant).
Presiden Jokowi Receives Report Abaut Death of Santoso
Selasa, 19 Juli 2016 6:20 WIB

Ilustrasi Presiden Joko Widodo (kiri) saat berbincang dengan Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla di sela-sela Rapat Kerja antara Pemerintah dengan Pimpinan Kementerian/Lembaga dan pejabat eselon I Kementerian/Lembaga di Jakarta. (ANTARA FOTO/Puspa Perwitasar
The President has already received a report about it.