Radicalism can grow in our society because a various facts, one of its is the weaknesess of religious thought. Radicalism is a right target for perpetrators who has purpose to misguiding religious teaching or to teach a wrong religious thought and religious outreach.
According to Government Regulation in lieu of Law Number 1/2012 about terrorism said terrorism is an extraordinary crimes to humankind and civilization and its to be one of a serious threats to state territory, because a terrorism has been as an international crimes which could be made a dangerous to our security, world peace and unbenefit for society welfare, so it must be taken crushing terrorist efforts, so that we could be protecting human rights.
There is a various defenition of radicalization from pundits such as Moskalenko (2008), radicalization is a believes extremism, a feeling and brawl attitude to other groups.
Meanwhile, Crosset and Spitaletta (2010), radicalization is a process to entering for stakeholders who has transformed and to participating at through legally political process and to using destructive supports to political purpose.
Whilst, Maro Sagmen (2008), radicalization has shown by four factor, three of them are a cognitive factor and ones is a situation factor. A cognitive is a perception on morale destructive. A resonance through personal experience such as moral destructive, inequality, discrimination, and unemployment. Meanwhile, fourth factor or situation factor are networking groups which have a common values and common interpretation about radical and terror acts.
Generally, radicalization is psychological transformation and its not an unique decision in short time, because radicalization process is throughing phase to phase. Its a continous phase such as an event or issues which can help to understand how some one has taken terrorism radical ideology, its phase to understand to using chaos and terror acts, and phase to decide or undecide in destruction action to serving ideology.
Radicalism has tend to hate other man with destroying their groups, one of factor is the begining of terror acts through understanding thought which contradictive with their groups.
Radical thoughts could be as an terrorism embrio so that its couldn't be taken unseriously. Handling these, its need a cooperation between all circles to early detection through preventing efforts, because a sophisticated information technology, someone who has radical thoughts could be easier to transfer their teachings content through video or website which could be accessed all over the world, influencing teenager or youth thoughts even parents, so that they could be had radical thoughts just only have small gadget at their hands and a radical group could be made bai'at through remote control tools.
Massively radical thoughts spreading phenomenon is a challenge for all national circles to join together spreading peacful messages, honour each others, respect differences each others and having endearment attitude as our original charracters.
Shortly, an action which called as terrorism can make a huge fearless impact in our society, if its was taken victims even massal victims and destructing vital object which as their target. Then, economic factors could be influencing regional conflict and its make a new terrorist group.
Regulation and Preventing
Radicalism prevention has been obligation for all national circles including society itself, because radicalization is a global problems, eventhough security forces could be arrested and crushing terrorist network in Indonesia, but its still any chances which could be triggered a terror group has been growing all over provinces in Indonesia.
Furthermore, a next preventing efforts to counter radical thoughts need parents role which mother and father can teach their children very well especially properly religious education, so that a radical and terrorist thoughts don't intervere their children mindset. Even, all parents must vigilance on technology influence which could be influencing children psychology.
Whilst, radical organization which still exist until now even their reject our national tenet or national ideology, Pancasila didn't give them any sanctions through state or government regulation, because its authority to evaluate and to ban radical groups is home affairs ministry authority.
Because that, we must support and give political demand to home affairs ministry to eliminate or to ban radical organization which it has been voicing anti-national ideology, Pancasila or voicing similiar concerns with a separatist group interest.
*) The writer is an Indonesia strategic issues observer. Residing in Pandeglang, Banten Provinces.
Questioning Radicalism and Its Preventing Efforts
Kamis, 27 Oktober 2016 6:30 WIB

Foto penyebaran ISIS di Media Sosial. (ANTARA FOTO/Erlangga Pratama-Sumber Google/Dok).
We must support and give political demand to home affairs ministry to eliminate or to ban radical organization which it has been voicing anti-national ideology, Pancasila or voicing similiar concerns with a separatist group interest.