Detachment 88 successfully prevents the acts of terror in the end of 2016. Detachment 88 arrested against the perpetrators of terror followed by various item of evidence. The arrest that made by Detachment 88 in Bekasi, Ngawi, Payakumbuh, Deli Serdang and South Tanggerang proved that there is a movement of terror groups that will take an action or "concert" at the end of year.
In Bekasi, Detachment 88 managed to secure an unexpected femalebride suicide bombings with the evidence of pan-explosive bomb to a radius of 300 meters. Dian Yulia Novi arrested by Detachment 88 on Saturday, December 10th 2016 who has scheduled to make a suicide bombing at the Palace at the turnover of Paspampres forces. After Dian and some of the group were caught, the police also secured some people allegedly involved with the action plan, namely Khafid Fathoni (22), who was arrested in Ngawi. Khafid is a college student in Solo.
In Purworejo, Detachment 88 secured the woman with the initials IP (35) on Thursday December 15th 2016. IP was arrested at her home on suspicion of belonging to pan-bombwhich successfully secured by Detachment 88 in Bekasi. The group with the bride Dian Yulia Novi is known affiliated with Bahrun Naim, who also suspected as the sponsor of the plan suicide bombings in the Palace. This is evidenced by the transfer of funds to the group Naim Bahrun pan-bomb Bekasi.
Wednesday, December 21st 2016, Police captured suspected terrorists in Biru-Biru, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra. Terrorist suspects with initials S is an accomplice of Gigih Rahmat Dewa in Batam, who is part of the network Bahrun Naim. In Payakumbuh, a suspected terrorist by the initials JT, a.k.a H arrested by Detachment 88 8 on December 21st 206. JT a.k.a H is thought to have a role as a buyer of materials for making bombs.
On the same day, Detachment 88 captured a suspected terrorist named Adam in South Tangerang. From the results of the interrogation, the Detachment 88 develop and perform arrest against the Adam group in a rented house number 46 in Kampung Curug, Setu, South Tangerang. Detachment 88 shot dead three men.
Decisive action of the police was conducted for three people who will be arrested to fight with guns and throwing bombs. Detachment 88 arrests in successfully securing the pipe bombs and firearms. From the investigation conducted was known that two of the three people killed were suicide bombings bride.
End Year "Concert"
End of the year is the ideal and favorite time for terrorist groups, particularly in Indonesia to perform an action, or often referred to as a "concert". Indonesia certainly will not forget the events of Christmas Eve bombings in 2000. The series of Christmas bombings at churches in 2000 by the JI group that claimed many victims. Within minutes, hundreds of casualties, claimed the lives of 16 people and injuring 96 others and resulted in 37 cars damaged.
In the end of 2013, the police managed to arrest suspected terrorists who would carry out bombings of Christmas 2013 and New Year 2014. The terrorists who captured the Detachment 88 is Irwan Kurniawan a.k.a Arqom, was arrested in Lamongan, East Java; Fahri a.k.a Agus and A captured in Kali Abang Nangka, North Bekasi.
In Bekasi, December 23rd 2016, police arrested Arif Hidayatullah and his group including those from Uighur. Arif Hidayatullah known to belong to Jamaat Ansar Khilafah Nusantara (JAKDN). Arif Hidayatullah is Bahrun Naim college friends who are now in Syria. In this arrest is known to have one person who escaped, namely Nur Rohman, who were later known to be a suicide bomber in Surakarta Police Station.
From that analysis trends and from a variety of evidence obtained by the police through a particular unit of Detachment 88, Indonesia should beware of "concert" in the end of year by the terrorist group. The hard work of securing the Detachment 88 suspected terrorists and their evidence is still possible to pass other group members. The other group members, if any, would be more aggressive and daring to launch a "concert" the end of the year, as a form of resistance against the Police or Detachment 88 on the arrest of the people of the group.
Bhrum Naim's Domination
The arrest of suspected terrorists in Bekasi, Ngawi, Payakumbuh, Deli Serdang and South Tangerang dominated by Bahrun Naim role which is one of the ISISleaders who come from Indonesia. Bahrun Naimallegedly stayed in Syria, although there are those who mention that Bahrun Naim is currently located in Mindanao Philippines.
The involvement of Bahrun Naim as the mastermind of "concert" plan in the end of the year in Indonesia is certainly not the origin accused. Detachment 88 would have a network map, proof of financial transactions, evidence of communication flows, and of course the confessions of terrorist suspects captured and questioned, although the value of recognition would normally only be guidelines, not as truth.
Bahrun Naimmotivation to do a "concert" in the end of the year in Indonesia associated with the planned floating of ISIS in Southeast Asia. ISIS recessive in Iraq and Syria make them need to save it by looking elsewhere. Allegedly a place that would be the basis ISIS after going from Iraq and Syria are Afghanistan and Southeast Asia. Bahrun Naim certainly has great expectations for the ISIS presence in Southeast Asia.
Desire existence of Bahrun Naim as ISIS figure derived from Indonesia to become the leader of ISIS in Southeast Asia do not biased ignored. One way of Bahrun Naim to prove its existence is by holding a "concert" end of the year in Indonesia. This is in line with the orders of ISIS leaders in Syria to its supporters to launch the campaign in each region.
Detachment 88 who carried out arrests of suspected terrorists in different cities is a preventive measure that is successful and deserves appreciation. The success of Detachment 88 will significantly weaken the plan "concert" in the end of the year which will be carried out by terrorist Bahrun Naim group network.
But still needs to be aware that there are other groups that have not been detected and addressed by Detachment 88.
The community can play an active role to prevent acts of terrorism, especially acts of terror "concert" in the end of the year by observing their respective environments, from various arrests were made shown that people who are arrested do a house or room rental contract as a transit point. Community, especially with businesses to contract out a house or rent rooms need to be aware if there are people who will contract or lease in the short term.
There is no harm that society get suspicious to those who do not recognize, ask their home address, occupation, and the reason the contract or rental home. If the person has a negative goal certainly, they won’t answer and will dodge if "being interrogated". Coordination with local authorities needs to be done if there is a stranger came in an environment.
Christmas celebration is thought to be one of the moments that became the target of a terrorist group. The church is one of the targets of terror; it is evident from acts of terror in Medan and Samarinda who attacked the church. Laypersons certainly understand who the people who used to come to church, if there are strangers should not hesitate to ask for help security, it is the duty to take precautionary action. The security forces need to hold social elements to prevent the events of Christmas Eve bombings in 2000 recur. More and more elements of the community together to prevent acts of terror then the terrorists will not hesitate to commit crimes.
Police is one of the main targets of the Bahrun Naimterrorist network; it is evident from acts of terror attacks on police in Thamrin Jakarta, Tangerang and Surakarta. Beware against the inducement to gather in a place that would become killing zone suicide bombings. Preparedness and vigilance police and other apparatus needed to prevent and fight terrorism.
The threat of terrorism, especially the action of "concert" is not just a fairy tale in the end of the year. Evidence has been obtained. Society must be vigilant, police and other security forces cannot be prevented without the involvement of the community. Terrorism must be confronted seriously, and do not need to wait no further victims not to say that terrorism is the transfer issue.
*) Stanislaus Riyanta, Intelligence Analysts and Terrorism, an Alumnus of the Graduate Program in Strategic Intelligence Studies, University of Indonesia.
Beware of The End of Year 'Concert' of Barhun Naim Group
Jumat, 30 Desember 2016 18:01 WIB

Stanislaus Riyanta. (ANTARA FOTO/Dokumentasi Pribadi/Dok).
Indonesia should beware of 'concert' in the end of year by the terrorist group.