Radicalism is a shift in the nature of violence, in the political order, who want to change the law and Government.
In Islamic history, radicalism has emerged since the days of prophetic history, the Khawarij and Hashimi groups. Radicalism by the term Taqarub, where there is an act of closing the door of ijtihad, because it is considered no longer able to perform ijtihad activities. Many scholars participated in politics, so that the nature of group panatism, using religious texts not for truth, but to reinforce the position of the flow it embraces.
Truth will not arise when it is filled with lust. Generally radicalism develops through the process. There are several causes that can lead to radicalism that is a weak religious understanding, invite others to follow his teachings, there is a pressing effort from certain groups that affect the flow and perform activities turbulent.
Radicalism arises from silencing the existing forces, the example in Egypt in dealing with the Muslim Brotherhood was suppressed by the government of Husni Mubarok. The Muslim Brotherhood with its character Hasan Albana in Egypt is a da'wah movement that rejects adultery, gambling, and then this movement becomes a political movement, thus considered dangerous to the state. In Syria, Annazir Magazine, which discloses torture by the government, can not defecate, is deprived of his nails etc, is also considered radical.
The impact of feeling depressed, came the movements ranging from thought to the movement in society, so that the emergence of the movement that radicalism and terrorism (implementation). The radical indicator of fanatical nature of one idea / movement, assuming the other is wrong and not just a false one, but there is an infidelity (Taqfiri). All the above movements, want the Islamic law is applied in full in the country, there is no bargaining.
Should if you want the Shari'a of Islam dikegakaan anywhere, then pengusungnya control of the parties, seize the House or MPR, then make laws based on Islamic Shari'a.
The occurrence of bombing at JW Mairot Hotel, Bali bombing and others is a mistake in the interpretation of Qur'anic verses by the people or pilgrims, because of the mutual interpretation of the Qur'an. Therefore, there must be one who is truly expert in the interpretation of the Qur'an.
Apply Pancasila
The phenomenon of radicalism begins with the strengthening of intolerance, where the symptom of intolerance is increasingly widespread these days, so that radicalism and even terrorism will not be completed in the near future.
We often feel the differences that have arisen in the recent societal life that is happening in our nation but they should not be a barrier for us to live side by side with differences but that should be the reason for strengthening our sense of unity.
Some time ago there was an incident among the Undip students who toyed with the symbol of the country, the incident made many parties growled and attracted attention. Students who do so must be given a deterrent effect so that they will not be repeated either for the perpetrator or another student because Undip is one of the campus that defends Pancasila.
The results of the National Survey titled "Potential Intolerance and Religious Social Radicalism among Indonesian Muslims" held by the Wahid Foundation in cooperation with the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) in 2016 show that although the majority of Muslims in Indonesia reject radicalism, there are 7.7% Radical action if there is a chance, and 0.4% have done a radical action.
In addition, the survey also found that 59.9% of respondents have hatred towards certain social groups, both ethnic, religious and political ideologies. The hatred is also followed by the rejection of political rights to sit in government, as well as to interact socially. Wahid Foundation's findings released in 2016 open our eyes that intolerance is an increasingly factual reality and a nursery for the development of radical understanding and action in Indonesia.
The astonishing data related to intolerance was also released by SETARA Institute (16/2/2017) which recorded 208 incidents of intolerance and 270 intolerance measures in 2016. The perpetrators of this intolerance involved citizens, mass organizations, corporations and state actors in various forms including apostasy, Intimidation, hate speech, threats, banning the establishment of places of worship, destruction of property, to the forced dissolution of religious activities.
Note SETARA Institute also shows that West Java is the province with the highest intoleration number with 41 cases, followed by Jakarta (31 cases), East Java 22), Central Java (14), and Bangka Belitung (11).
According to data released by the Coordinator of Komnas HAM's Religious and Belief Desk (KBB), Pastor Jayadi Damanik, the number of cases of intolerance in Indonesia has increased significantly.
Komnas HAM data recorded 74 cases of intolerance reported to the KBB Desk complaint post in 2014, rising to 87 cases by 2015, and nearly 100 cases by 2016 (Kompas, 5/1/2017). Cases of intolerance are rampant in relation to freedom of religion and belief, such as banning religious activity, damaging houses of worship, discrimination on the basis of belief or religion, intimidation and coercion of beliefs. Intoleransi it has contributed to the occurrence of acts of violence and human rights violations in Indonesia.
To overcome the radical understanding, must be sought the way out, which has radical understanding must be embraced and given the correct understanding, do not shunned it can be dangerous, his teachings will be harder and harsher. Even the most appropriate to overcome radicalism by applying Pancasila correctly in the context of the present.
The state of Indonesia is based on Pancasila, but now there are discourses in various places and times including in medsos and this is misguided. Many parties also cram dogma into society either positive or negative so that each states they are most Pancasilais so this needs to be discussed / discussed together. Including if the lecturer is against the Pancasila then he is contrary to the oath and can be processed law.
The value of Pancasila has not been fully embedded in us today, not in the expectations of our founders. Pancasila has proven itself to be the best concept. Let us uphold and care for Pancasila and NKRI.
History of Islamic civilization recorded the best leadership practice under the Prophet Muhammad lasted for 10 years, under the Khulafaur Rashidin lasted for 29 years with the core of leadership is deliberation or representation, but the period of leadership after that the principle of deliberation or representation just abandoned, and prioritizing the system of descent.
In history, the khilafah is not a mature political concept, but merely a term for leadership change. In Indonesia itself from the beginning of its establishment realized that leadership is deliberate or representative and not trapped in the application of the wrong khilafah.
According to Prof. Mudjahirin Thohir, religion should be a source for civilization improvement, not as the identity of social groups, so that the presence of different religions, is not interpreted as a threat among religious groups themselves.Religion can affirm the values of Pancasila when religion is interpreted by its adherents as a source of civilization in a plural society like in Indonesia.
There is no other solution to eliminate radicalism in Indonesia, namely by applying Pancasila. Hopefully we can run it in istiqomah along with keistiqomahan we run our own religious teachings. We are Indonesia, We are Pancasila.
*) The author is a senior journalist in Pekanbaru, Riau.
Rabu, 14 Juni 2017 6:04 WIB

Seruan untuk menghentikan Intoleransi. (FOTO: Kiriman Amril Jambak/Dok).
There is no other solution to eliminate radicalism in Indonesia, namely by applying Pancasila.