In 2012, a research institute sponsored by the United States Air Force conduct research on the strategy of propaganda and manipulation through social media networks. The researchers sought to find out how people's minds can be changed and his view of the world.
This study found that the web and social media networks are essential take part in the life of every individual and can develop into a weapon of mass persuasion. However, the researchers despite knowing that social media and web networks have devastating effect on the mind and the society's perspective, they also said the difficulty in dealing with the impact of rapid change.
Empirically, the field of information technology revolution has enhanced connectivity between individuals, transcend time and space. Access to information is so fast, intense, massive and in the mass spectrum and wide range. Exposure to such information has made social media into new instruments strategic value for a variety of interests.
Each individual is the subject and object of the action and intense communication. Decentralized decision in the hand of each individual. Anyone who can reach out and build relationships with intense every individual then has a great chance to persuade thoughts and actions within the framework of specific interests such as business, politics, and so on.
Social Media as Propaganda Funnels
In an article entitled "How Tech Can Fight Extremism," which was published in CNN News in February, 17th 2015, concluded that terrorist groups and radical organizations, particularly ISIS has strengthened the ability to use social media and virtual networks more to expand the network and support globally, access sources of funding, recruitment and propaganda new political mainstream massively exceed the limits that can be done by the state government and the community in the community.
This shows that social media has become one of the strategic instrument used by terror groups and radical in order to strengthen its operations on a global scale.
Michelle Hughes and Michael Miklaucic in the book titled Impunity: countering Illicit Power in War and Transition explains that the use of virtual networks, such as social media as an instrument of radicalization and recruitment online will evoke sympathy from individuals who feel the conditions that trigger solidarity, such as poverty, social inequality, and political frustration.
These individuals will be motivated to improve their access to the site, chat room, online journals, streaming video propaganda, and various other online media. This sympathy may develop into support when the intensity of online access to this continuing and is increasingly intimate relationship with another individual or groups who have a common base forming solidarity and sympathy for radical and terrorist groups. This support may include donation, personnel resources, and network security necessary for the development of the radical movement.
Experience in how social media take role in propaganda radicalism is also a reality in Indonesia. The terrorists proved to utilize an online network for both uploading propaganda videos, articles, and information intended to show the existence, garner sympathy or call surgery or radical movements.
Bahrun Naim, a member of ISIS terrorist bomb Sarinah brain known expert in the use of social media to disseminate propaganda articles, blogs, instruction terror, and access and funding terrorist operations in Indonesia.
Neither the leadership Santosogroup who use YouTube as propaganda terror threats of execution and message security apparatus.
The radical group has developed the ability to perform framming method redundancy in canalization and transmission of various information and communication is virtual so that it can affect individuals and communities that do not have the ability to filter the information critically.
Look at how the Ahokcase contributes to numerous problems related to the emergence of radicalism such hatred speech against racial, hoaxes which could trigger social unrest and various other misleading information at the point want to disturb the atmosphere.
Anticipation Steps
Social media and online networking to be very strategic because it can be anonymity, broad spectrum and no cost or low cost as a means of mass communication. This makes social media effective option to disseminate a variety of political views, including views were radical to anyone who has network connectivity with online. Therefore, we have an integrated response in order to prevent the negative impact of the development of information technology, especially the widespread information, views and ideologies that fuel radicalism and terror violence.
Steps have been taken to improve the communication and information technology cyber patrols to prevent the dissemination of content in containing the charge of radicalism becomes very relevant. Blocking access to the site or we can be an alternative to be taken in order to limit the space for websites, web and social media promoting radical understand. However, it should be clearly defined parameters so that the aim of the blocking understand and radical content not to undermine the freedom of expression in cyberspace.
In addition, the need to develop an understanding within the community to become more critical of information and content accessed or obtained from the virtual world. Community or an individual can be a perpetrator and victim information exposure or radical content that needs to be educated in a more intelligent use of information technology.
This can be done by socializing intensely various regulations that govern the use of online media to form public who are aware of their rights and obligations as citizens of the virtual world.
During this time, the existence of UU ITE more used to ensnare offenders with information or content that has the dimensions or political weight. Properly, UU ITE can also be used as the basis for law enforcement in the fight against radical content and network communications made by radical and terrorist groups so that a shock therapy for spreader radical content.
Other aspects that can be done within the framework of preventing the growth of radical understand the virtual world is the ability rather than the public and government in counter-opinions on the information and propaganda of radical groups in social media.
Often what happens is merely blocking or closing access to information on the web or applications that further spread of radical. Efforts to counter opinions are no less important precisely done so late already mastered the radical understand the mindset of individuals or communities. Through the development of counter capabilities opinion, is expected to be a kind of information do deframing for radical groups so that people have an alternative and diverse sources of information.
*) The author is the observer of Indonesia strategic issues and one of the CERSIA founders, South Jakarta.
Counteracting Radicalism in Social Media
Jumat, 27 Januari 2017 23:09 WIB

Ilustrasi - Radikalisme. (FOTO: Kiriman Wildan Nasution/Sumber Google/Dok).
Through the development of counter capabilities opinion, is expected to be a kind of information do deframing for radical groups so that people have an alternative and diverse sources of information.