A startled accidence happened in as usual solemn religious spiritual moment in the Church of Santo Yosef, in Medan on Sunday August 28, 2016, when a youth who likely tried to kill the Catholic Priest who was doing his mission to lead the religious ceremony with a knife and latter that young man -- the attacker -- was detected trying to blow his body as a suicide bomber.
However no clear suicide bomb was found on his body except one knife he was trying to use to attack the Priest. Apparently that young man was tightening a number of detonator as a home made bomb on his body but it did not blow as may be expected by him.
This surprised and startled accidence has touched the heard of not only the Christian, but also those of non-Christian society who do not understand how crazy action it was and definitely never imagining such crazy action to happen. The church has been there for many years without any problem and those people of that area to have been considering the church as one of the old buildings there. Last but not least the people living in the area both the Christian an d the non-Christian have been living peacefully together without any emotional problem among them.
The Priest was saved though a bloody wound was found on his hand and that crazy young man was caught by the security apparatus of the church of Santo Yozef and taken away by the Police.
This accidence is now still under the investigation by the Police, and no clear terrorist background of organization to have been detected both locally or with the ISIS in Syria, a number of comments to have been indicating this young man is may be an abnormal young man in term of mental and attitude.
Psychological test is likely needed to check the condition of the mental and attitude of that young man. He is also reported to make the home made bomb based on the information he has been collecting from the internet.
However this accidence likely could not be separated from the situation of the war on terrorism is now existing in the world. People especially those who has the serious attention to the war against the terrorism to have made their analysis and comment concerning the accidence to take place in the Church of Santo Yosef.
A number of significant comments are among others: The accidence is the indication of the failure of the output of the implementation of the doctrine of the Government to erase the radicalism among those young men. Or it is possibly the doctrine has not worked properly.
It is also the indication of the failure of the Indonesian Intelligence to serve its function to detect and to give the early warning on the attack to the members of the church of Santo Yosef. In mentioning the Intelligence Organization, definitely BIN as the most popular intelligence organization in Indonesia to become the target of the critique.
The Assessment
Concerning the evaluation on the failure of the Government doctrine to erase the radicalism among those young men of Indonesia as the mean to combat terrorism, it is likely the conclusion taken is too be in a hurry.
The young man committed in the Church of Santo Yosef accidence is likely to do his adventurer alone. He has no a certain group or organization to support him. He likely worked and acted his action without anybody to help him. Accordingly he should be likely sent for mental and psychological test to conclude the condition of his mind and mental attitude. He could be abnormal young man.
However it is likely true that this accidence should wake up the Government namely the National Body to Crush the Terrorism (BNPT) to have the definite and clear agenda on the de-radicalism program as mention many times. It is likely no clear program of the de-radicalism agenda.
By the way, we tend to realize that the terrorist threat faced by the Indonesian people is considered by the Cabinet members as the responsible of the Security apparatus, and especially the Intelligence. People and also the Ministries of the Cabinet does not realize that the terrorist threat should be faced cordially and comprehensively by all those Ministries function. The Minister of Religion was condemning the accidence in the church of Santo Yosef, but so far not clear program of the Ministry of Religion to build the de-radicalism mental attitude among young generation.
We are also definitely realizing that no clear National Program to have been decided by the Government to implement the de-radicalism agenda cordially and comprehensively.
Certainly we hope the accidence of the Church of Santo Yosef in Medan on Sunday, August 28, 2016 to have waked up the Government to design clearly the implementation of the agenda on the de-radicalism of those Indonesian young men into the clear national program.
Intelligence organization such as BIN is a strategic organization that is dealing with the strategic information needed by the State. In case of terrorism intelligence organization certainly has presented the strategic situation of terrorist threat faced by the Country of Indonesia.
Tactically the intelligence activities are implemented by various security units existing in the country of Indonesia. BIN definitely is not responsible to the security of various churches existing in all the country of Indonesia. The dangerous of terrorist threat is not a new intelligent situation face by Indonesia. Since Bali bombing in 2002, the installment of security apparatus of every important building is a must.
The accidence of the Church of Santo Yusef in Medan on Sunday, August 28. 2016 was not caused by the weakness of the intelligence organization such as BIN, but it was caused by the neglect of the Leadership of the Church to the early warning given long-long time before, that the world is in war against terrorism.
The churches in Indonesia have to be realize that extremism among non-Christian followers is also the fact faced by this nation. It is a must that every vital objects in Indonesia should organize its internal security precaution perfectly supervised by the Security apparatus such as the Police and Intelligence Organization if needed. Condemning intelligence organization such as BIN when any security accidence to take place is clearly not true.
The accidence took place in the Church of Santo Yose in Medan is definitely a good reprimand for the Government of Indonesia to realize its agenda to implement its de-radicalism agenda in a real program among especially those young Indonesian generation.
The accidence of the church of Santo Yosef is also a good reprimand for all churches in Indonesia to perfect its internal security system, mainly in controlling every one coming to the church, especially in conducting the religious ritual ceremony.
The Intelligence Organization of the Country mainly BIN has to have a special system in supervising all the Organization in Indonesia strategically and tactically. BIN is definitely not weak but should increase its supervision and control system on the internal security system of the various vital objects existing in the country.
The problem of the security of the Indonesian air space above the Natuna island is international arrangement that any problem may arise should be brought to the International Conference on Flight Information Region to be solved.
*) Written by the Intelligent and Security Observer.
The Accidence in the Church of Santo Yosef in Medan
Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016 20:30 WIB
The accidence of the church of Santo Yosef is also a good reprimand for all churches in Indonesia to perfect its internal security system.