The Symposium on the alertness against the Marxism and Communism Teaching also the alertness against the Political threat of the Communist Power was held by a number of Retired Armed Forces members and National also Moslem Mass organizations on June 1-2, 2016 in Kartini Hall Building under the coordination of Lieut Gen (Ret) Kiki Syachnakri, the former Vice Chief of Staff of the Army . This Symposium has been popularly called as the Symposium on Anti Communist, because this Symposium is intended to neutralize the impact of the Symposium on The National Tragedy of 1965 that was believed conducted by the remnant of the former members of the Communist Party of Indonesia or its supporters.
Various cinical comments mentioning as absurd activity launched by various figures directed to the Symposium on the Alertness against the Marxism and Communism also against the Communist threat, concurrently has indicated the lack of knowledge on the history of the Communist Party of Indonesia since 1945 among various new generation. The Communist Party of Indonesia did not participate in the Proclamation of the Indonesian independence but to act as the traitor of the freedom struggle against the Dutch in 1948.
Based on the Symposium on the National Tragedy of 1965 there was likely the impression that the members of the communist Party was the main victims of killing action by the non communist activist supported by the Army in 1965. This impression is definitely rejected by the non-Communist group in the Country which has lost many of its members killed by the Communist group.
The word of "The National Tragedy of 1965" as the title of the Symposium organized by the remnants of the Communist Party members and supporters, tends to be described by the society as if the killing action against the Communist Party members done by the various group of national and religious masses organization supported by the military was just killing action without any reasonable problem. This is again there is the indication on the lack of knowledge among the society especially the new generation about the Communist Party of Indonesia that in 1965 was trying to size political power in Indonesia started with the cruel killing of six Generals of the Army Hq and one Captain in a mass grave in Lubang Buaya, a village in the suburb of Jakarta.
It is clear that the Symposium on the Anti Communist which was intending to wake up the alertness against the Marxism and Communism Teaching also against the Political Threat of the Communist should be understood based on the correct history of Communist Party of Indonesia point of view. The Symposium on the National Tragedy of 1965 should be seen comprehensively based on the correct history of the Communist Party of Indonesia, after the Proclamation of the Indonesian Independence in 1945.
The National Tragedy of 1965 was not only the moment of mutual killing between the Communist against the Non-Communist group in Indonesia but it was the history of the second betraying action of the Communist Party of Indonesia against the Country of the Republic of Indonesia started with the killing of six Generals of the Army Commanders and one Captain the ADC of Gen AH Nasution. It is might be not much young generation to realize that the National Tragedy of 1965 was the second betraying action of the Communist Party of Indonesia. The first National Tragedy was the betraying action of the Communist Party of Indonesia to size political power in the Regency of Madiun in the year of 1948 with mass killing and buried in mass graves scattered all around the Madiun Regency.
On June 7, 2016 Lieut Gen (Ret) Kiki Syachnakri accompanied by Maj Gen (Ret) Kivlan Zen and Habib Rizig Sihab met The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Lieut. Gen (Ret) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, accompanied by Minister for High Education and School Dr Annies Bawedan, in the Office of The Coordinating Minister for Political,Legal and Security Affairs on Merdeka Barat Street Jakarta.
The purpose of the meeting was the response of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affair Lierut Gen Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan on the request of Lieut Gen (Ret) Kiki Syachnakri who wish to rapport the implementation of the Symposium of the Anti Communist held in Kartini Hall Building on June 1-2, 2016. Lieut.Gen (Ret) Kiki Syacvhnakri was the Coordinator of the Symposium on Anti Communist and Habib Rizieg Shihab was the representative of 23 National and Moslem mass organizations participated in the Symposium.
The Symposium on the National Tragedy of 1965 was held on May 18-19, 2016 believed conducted by the remnant of the former members of the Communist Party of Indonesia or its supporters who are active in the political movement in Indoneia to day.
The non communist group considered the Symposium of the National Tragedy of 1965 as the effort of the remnants of the Comunist Party of Indonesia to create the revolutionary aspiration among the remnants of the members of the Communist Party of Indonesia or its Supporters to wake up and move.
They were lucky the idea to hold the Symposium on The National Tragedy of 1965 was approved by the Government as given by the Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs, Lieut Gen Luhut B Pandjaitan that was believed after he got the green light from the President without discussing the problem in the Cabinet meeting. Clearly Minister of Defense Ryamizard Ryacudu does not agree with the Symposium and indicated his willingness to support the Symposium on Anti Communist held by the group of Army Retired Officers and various mass organization. But likely to avoid any discrepancy with the President Jokowi, Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu pulled out his support to The Symposium on the alertness to the Marxism and Communism also against the Communist threat or popularly called as the Symposim on Anti Communist that was held to neutralize the impact of the Recommendation made by the Comunist leaning Symposium held by The National Committee on Human Right and Indarto Danusubroto a politician member of The President Advisers. The Symposium on National Tragedy of 1965 was officially approved by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Lieut Gen Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan and intellectually supported by The Governor of The National Resiliance Institute Lieut Gen Agus Widjoyo.
Unluckily the participation of Lieut Gen Agus Wijoyo being a son of one of the Revolutionary Hero who was killed by the Communist Group in 1965, in the implementation of the Symposium on the National Tragedy of 1965 is considered as the expression of his intention to apologize concern ing the killing of the Communist Party members in 1965. The attitude of Lieut. Gen (Ret) Agus Widjoyo is also strengthening his willingness to reconsiliate with the children of the Communist leaders such as the son of DN Aidit, the late Chairman of the Communist Party of Indonesia.
The Symposium on the National Tragedy of 1965 was resulting four Recommendation leaning to the interest of the Remnant of the Communist Party of Indonesia and recorded by the Government, among other was the statement of the remnant of Communist Party that there were hundred thousands of communist party members killed in the 1965 national tragedy and they were burried in various mass graves scaterred all around the country. They were killed by the members of Moslem Mass Organization supported by the Army. It is really political setback because TNI who always rejected that kind of story but now the story tends to be recorded by the Government as if it were true.
Accordingly the Symposium of the alertness against the Marxism and Communism Teaching and the Communist Political threat is intended to neutralize the bad impact of the Symposium on the National Tragedy of 1965. Lieut. Gen Kiki Syachnakri said that all the participants of the Symposium on Anti Communist are of the opinion that the Communist Party of Indonesia actually should ask for the pardon to the Indonesian nation due to the betraying action of the Commnikst Party of Indonesia in the year of 1948 in Madiun Regency. In 1948 the Communist Party of Indonesia had clearly killed thousands of non communist people cruelly but the Communist Party never asked pardon neither to the Government nor the Non Communist Society.
Accordingly the participants of the Sympoium on Anti Communit should reject the idea for the Government to ask for pardon to the Communist Party of Indonesia. And also accordingly the participants of the Symposium on Anti Communist reject the idea for the reconciliation conducted with the remnants of the Communist Party of Indonesia. As the alertness effort the Participants of the Symposium on Anti Communist demand the teaching on Pancasila ideology is compulsory to be done officially and un-officially at all level of education.
The participants of the Symposium on Anti Communist also demanded the Police will be free to size any kind of things indicating the circulation of the symbol of the Communist Party among the society. The participants of the Symposium on Anti Communist also reject the agitation and propaganda of the Communist followers who were continuously saying about the number of the Communist Party members who were killed in 1965. This is actually the Mentally Revolution launched by the remnants of the Communist Party of Indonesia.
Finally the participants of the Symposium demanded all the Communist Party identities such as the statue with communist identity in various places should be cleaned up. The Statue of the Armed Peasant in the Cross Road of Menteng in Jakarta is definitely influenced by the Communist Strategy to established the Fifth Armed Forces namely to armed the Workers and the Peasants.
In answering the report, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Lieut. Gen Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said Indonesia will prove in front of the World that Indonesia is honoring and respecting the Human Right. The Government approved the implementation of the Symposium on the National Tragedy of 1965, because the Government wish to have enough reference to show the world that Indonesia is honoring and respecting human right.
The Government never think to ask for the apologize to the Communist Party of Indonesia. The Communist Party of Indonesia is launching the agitation and propaganda as if many of its members to be killed, even hundred thousands and buried in the mass graves. The Governent wants to show the fact that it is not true, the Government ask them to show the fact. We ask the mass grave to be diged does not mean the Government accepting the statement about the killing. The Government wish to show the world that the statement is false.
The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs firmly said the Government will firmly act in accordance with the Decision of the Peoples Consultative Assembly No XXV/1966 that Marxism, Communism and Communist Party are forbidden in this country. The Government clearly does not want the Communist Party will rule Indonesia. The Government will firmly defend Pancasila as the State ideology of the Republic of Indonesia. The Government certainly respected the peoples wishes and suggestion and the Government will use it as the reference for any Government decision.
Mean while Minister for High Education and School said the lesson on History will use the correct Indonesian history. The National Integrity, the Pancasila ideology and the 1945 Constitution will be taught correctly in the school. And the subject on pornography will be deleted from the list of curriculum.
The Symposium held by the remnants of the former members of Communist Party of Indonesia or its supporters and the Symposium on Anti Marxism, Communism and the alertness against the political threat of the Communist power were clearly should be ended. Concerning the various issue on the Communist threat the Government Policy would be based firmly on of the Decision of the People's Consultative Assembly No XXV/1966.
The Government definitely has no idea to comunise the Country of Indonesia. The Government will never apologize to the Communist Party of Indonesia or its former members. The concept of the reconciliation using non judicial method will be deeply researched for the implementation.
Without mentioning specifically the Government will make use all the Recommendation resulted by the Symposium on National Tragedy of 1965 and the Symposium on Anti Marxism, Communism and the Communist Power, as the Reference by the Government in dealing with the respective problem may arise.
*) The Writer is a Political and Security Observer, also the former of State Intelligence Coordination Agency (BAKIN) chief.
The Organizer of the Symposium on Anti Communist met Luhut B Pandjaitan and Anies Baswedan
Sabtu, 18 Juni 2016 9:43 WIB
The Government will never apologize to the Communist Party of Indonesia or its former members.