A group of Moslem society angrily protest the speech of Ahok, the Governor of Jakarta, because Ahok is considered offending the Holy Quran. Those group of Moslem society conducted the Mass Action gigantically and spectacularly in Jakarta on November 4, 2016, they called it as the First Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI (the Council of the Indonesian Ulema). MUI has declared Ahok to have offended the Holy Quran.
Clearly then those group of angry Moslem society are planning to conduct the second mass action that they called the Second Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI on November 25, 2016 implemented with the praying together on along the Street since the Circle of Indonesian Hotel until the Bridge of Semanggi.
The Second Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI on November 25, 2016 was cancelled because of the security consideration, but the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI conducted on December 2, 2016 is permitted by the Police. This writing is intended to review the implementation of the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI conducted on December 2, 2016.
The Arise of the Security Consideration
The planning of those group of Moslem Society to conduct the Second Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI with praying together along the Street since the Circle of the Indonesian Hotel until the Bridge of Semanggi was rejected by the Chief of Police supported by the Commander of the Indonesian National Military, based on two reason:
First, it was detected those Mass Action conducted by those group of Moslem Society is vulnerable against the infiltration and provocation by any outside illegal elements. Intelligent Report said those proposed Mass Action is going to be infiltrated and provoked by a certain outside political elements. Those Mass Action is going to be exploited by any outside political elements to become the Political Mass Action to topple the Head of State. Accordingly based on the security consideration, the intention to conduct the Second Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI, on November 25, 2016 implemented with the praying together on the street since the Circle of the Indonesian Hotel until the Bridge of Semanggi is not permitted.
Second, praying together on the street is also against Law, because it will totally disturb the traffic of the public. This consideration is strengthening the above decision that the Second Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI, on ovember25, 2016 is not permitted.
Because of this rejection by the Police the plan conducting the Second Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI, on November 25, 2016 was cancelled. However, because of the cancellation of the Second Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI on November 25, 2916, another group of Moslem Society called the National Movement to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI, under the leadership of Habib Rizieg planned to conduct the Mass Action called the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI on December 2, 2016 or stated as the 212 Mass Action to be implemented with praying together will be also held along the street since the Circle of the Indonesian Hotel until the Bridge of Semanggi.
The proposal to conduct the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI on December 2, 2016 implemented with also praying together, lead by Habib Rizieg, is agreed by the Police but it should be conducted on the cross roads of all around the National Monument.
The reason of the permit to be agreed by the Police because the Chairman of the National Movement of the Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI, Habib Rizieg promised to the Chief of Police that all the participants of the Mass Action will support the Police effort to preserve the Peaceful Situation.
The Chief of Police thought that this kind of Mass Action will be also vulnerable against the outside infiltration and provocation by any political elements to exploit the situation to become the political mass action to reach a certain objective, but the promise of the Chairman of the National Movement of the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI, Habib Rizieg will strengthen the preventive action by the Police. Habib Rezxieg earnestly proposed the Police to permit and to give the safety support to the implementation of the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI.
Beside of those reasons apparently the Police secretly has designed the secret security operation (SO) to capture and to detain 11 political activist who are suspected actively criticizing the Government. They will be captured in their residence on early in the morning of December 2, 2016. These 11 political activists are detected to have actively attended a number of the closed meeting in several places to discuss the possible political and security situation concerning the implementation of the Mass Action held on December 2, 2016 by those group of the Moslem Society.
Those 11 political activists are suspected going to infiltrate and to provoke those Mass Action in according to their political objectives, namely coming to the House of Representatives and to force the House of Representatives to topple the Head of State.
The implementation of the security operation (SO) that was executed early in the morning of December 2, 2016 by the Police was kept secret. SO was only released to the Media in the next evening after the implementation of the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI mainly the praying together to have been over and all the participants were going home peacefully.
The Success of the Police Security Operation
The Security Concept of the Police to launch the Security Operation (SO) executed in early in the morning of December 2, 2016 before the Mass Action with praying together to be started and the release of SO to the Media is only made in the evening after the agenda of the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI was over, to be apparently successful. The perfect peaceful situation of the Mass Action with the praying together was perfectly implemented. Not any disturbance to have taken place during the praying together was done by all those participants estimated of millions people. The participants of the praying together were also going home peacefully.
Those 11 Political activists were captured because they are suspected going to infiltrate and to provoke then to exploit the Mass Action to move as the Mass Political Action to be designed coming to the House of Representative to force the House to decide to topple the Head of State. However the political objective of those 11 activist was fail. The Police was successfully to prevent the will of those 11 Political activists to be performed.
The security analysis of the Police was correct and the Police was successfully to perform the perfect peaceful situation of the Praying together. The implementation of the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI was perfectly performed. The People tend to say satisfactorily the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI conducted on December 2, 2016 was called as "the Beautiful 212 Praying Together" in Jakarta.
It is estimated millions of people were joining this praying together but not any accidence to take place since the beginning until all the people went home. The Chief of Police Gen Tito Karnavian felt it was really amazing that those of millions of participants of the Religious Event to have performed their praying together smoothly and peacefully since the beginning of the agenda until the agenda has totally and perfectly over and smoothly those millions of people went home. Not any bad report from all around the State Capital of Jakarta affected by the Mass Action of those Moslem Society to have been recorded by the Media. Many observers said that it was really the blessing of God of Almighty to Jakarta being the State Capital of Indonesia and its inhabitants.
The Police believed that the success of the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI is tactically resulted by the Correct Security Operation (SO) to capture those 11 Political Activists in early in the morning of December 2, 2016.
Accordingly Police also suspected that those 11 political activist are likely the political group who created the minor chaos happened after the closing period of the First Mass Action of November 4, 2016.
However apparently the problem of the capture and the detention of those 11 political activists has become the legal problem that should be solved by the Police. On December 9, 2016 surprisingly one more political activist was captured and detained by the Police as the additional suspected political activist who wishes to topple the Head of State.
The Issue on To Topple The Head of State
Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, Human Right and Security Affairs Gen Wiranto in the limited briefing to a group of religion leaders was remnding every body of this country to be aware and alert that the giant Mass Action is vulnerable for the national stability. He reminded that the situation such as happened in Jakarta in 1998 should not to take place again. This reminder was likely given by Gen Wiranto to response to the Giant Mass Action happen on November 4, 2016 conducted by a group of Moslem society to support the declaration of MUI declaring that Ahok, the Governor of Jakarta to have offended the Holy Quran.
The reminder was also likely expected to remind all of the Indonesian society to remember to the situation of Jakarta in 1998 when the Giant Mass Action done by millions of students had been exploited by a certain political elements to force the Student Action to occupy the Building of the House of Representatives and to force the House to topple the Head of State. Incidentally Gen Wiranto was the Commander of the Indonesian National Military who was directly involved in the situation of Jakarta in May 1998.
Gen Wiranto said he had met Gen Tito Karnavian, Chief of Police to discuss the present situation of Jakarta concerning the giant Mass Action conducted by a group of Moslem Society to support the declaration of MUI. Both of those Security leaders agreed that the Situation such as happened in Jakarta on May 1998 should not happen again.
Consequently likely in line to Gen Wiranto reminder, a few days before November 25, 2016 Gen Tito Karnavian told the Media that the Police rejects the proposal of the group of Moslem society to get the permit of the Police to conduct the so called the Second Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI on November 25, 2016 and the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI on December 2, 2016. Gen Tito Karnavian said that the Second Mass Action plan to be held on November 25, 2016 and the Third Mass Action plan to be held on Decembert 2, 2016 are vulnerable to be infiltrated and exploited by a certain political elements to topple the Head of State. Gen Tito Karnavian said that he got the intelligent rapport stated that a group of political elements want to control those two Mass Action and to command them to occupy the House of Representative and to force the House to topple the Head of State.
Those 11 political activists were captured because they were apparently suspected to have plan to topple the Head of State. This Police SO had clearly surprised the various security observer of the society. However a number of leaders included the former Chief of BIN, Lieut. General Soetiyoso said that he believes the Police certainly to have had the strong information as the basic reason to capture those 11 political activists.
The responsibility of the Police
Every body is happy because the agenda of praying together as the implementation of the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI had been run beautifully and apparently President Jokowi, Vice President JK and Chief of Police Gen Tito Karnavian were also joining the praying.
President Jokowi was speaking shortly calling all of the participants to thank to God Almighty and to feel happy that the praying together went smoothly and peacefully and President Jokowi also expressed his grateful to all the participants of this beautiful event who have prayed together for the peaceful situation of the Country.
The Chief of Police General Tito Karnavian felt happy that apparently the Police had been successful in their mission to safe those Third Mass Action organized by the National Movement to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI, declaring that Ahok is offending the Holy Quran.
However it is apparently Chief of Police General Tito Karnavian aside of his happiness he has the responsibility to clarify what he had stated many times the political problem of to topple the Head of State by a certain political elements since his public statement he delivered before November 25, 2016.
The Chief of Police General Tito Karnavian should also be ready expressing his responsibility concerning the Police Security Operation (SO) to capture those 11 political activist on early in the morning of December 2, 2016, even though eight of them had been released but the other three are still in detention and Rakhmawati because of sick she could stay at home but still likely to be under Police control. Meanwhile it was reported one more political activist was also captured on December 9, 2016. He is now detained by the Police of Jakarta.
All of these political and security problems are definitely a crucial problems, but it likely the Police has had enough basic information about all of those problems for the further investigation and confirmation.
The further prediction
On Tuesday December 13, 2016 the first legal process of Ahok in the Court Session is started. This event is clearly in line with the demand of a certain group of the Moslem Society that Ahok should be processed legally. Accordingly the Government is expecting that those group of Moslem Society should stop their mass action. It is likely difficult to predict what will happen, but it is likely the development of the Court Session will strongly influence the situation. However all the people are expected to be wise and mature. The Unity, Stability and Mutual Respect is the most essential element of his country.
The Conclusion
The Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI, which declared that Ahok to have offended the Holy Quran, to have been conducted beautifully. Those Moslem society has demonstrated their character as the discipline, faithful and to have highly moral of being the Indonesian Citizens. This elements have apparently constituted the peace and order situation during the moment of praying together.
Accordingly another Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI is unlikely necessary, because the case of Ahok has been legally processed and brought to Court started on Tuesday December 13, 2016.
It is also hoped that during the implementation of Court, those Moslem society will demonstrate their character of discipline, faithful and to have high moral attitude being the Indonesian nation.
In line with this idea everybody should patiently wait the decision of Court and to respect whatever the decision of the Court will be made.
However the development in the Court Session will strongly influence the attitude of the Moslem Society. Accordingly everybody should be able to control therir respective mind and to analyze legally, scientifically, religiously and humanly to all of the Court decision.
Being a democratic country the political issue of to topple the Head of State and the capture of those 11 and another one political activist should be likely concluded legally and in justice by the Court.
*) Written by the Political and Security Observer, lives in Jakarta.
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Megapolitan 2016
Clearly then those group of angry Moslem society are planning to conduct the second mass action that they called the Second Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI on November 25, 2016 implemented with the praying together on along the Street since the Circle of Indonesian Hotel until the Bridge of Semanggi.
The Second Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI on November 25, 2016 was cancelled because of the security consideration, but the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI conducted on December 2, 2016 is permitted by the Police. This writing is intended to review the implementation of the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI conducted on December 2, 2016.
The Arise of the Security Consideration
The planning of those group of Moslem Society to conduct the Second Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI with praying together along the Street since the Circle of the Indonesian Hotel until the Bridge of Semanggi was rejected by the Chief of Police supported by the Commander of the Indonesian National Military, based on two reason:
First, it was detected those Mass Action conducted by those group of Moslem Society is vulnerable against the infiltration and provocation by any outside illegal elements. Intelligent Report said those proposed Mass Action is going to be infiltrated and provoked by a certain outside political elements. Those Mass Action is going to be exploited by any outside political elements to become the Political Mass Action to topple the Head of State. Accordingly based on the security consideration, the intention to conduct the Second Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI, on November 25, 2016 implemented with the praying together on the street since the Circle of the Indonesian Hotel until the Bridge of Semanggi is not permitted.
Second, praying together on the street is also against Law, because it will totally disturb the traffic of the public. This consideration is strengthening the above decision that the Second Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI, on ovember25, 2016 is not permitted.
Because of this rejection by the Police the plan conducting the Second Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI, on November 25, 2016 was cancelled. However, because of the cancellation of the Second Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI on November 25, 2916, another group of Moslem Society called the National Movement to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI, under the leadership of Habib Rizieg planned to conduct the Mass Action called the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI on December 2, 2016 or stated as the 212 Mass Action to be implemented with praying together will be also held along the street since the Circle of the Indonesian Hotel until the Bridge of Semanggi.
The proposal to conduct the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI on December 2, 2016 implemented with also praying together, lead by Habib Rizieg, is agreed by the Police but it should be conducted on the cross roads of all around the National Monument.
The reason of the permit to be agreed by the Police because the Chairman of the National Movement of the Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI, Habib Rizieg promised to the Chief of Police that all the participants of the Mass Action will support the Police effort to preserve the Peaceful Situation.
The Chief of Police thought that this kind of Mass Action will be also vulnerable against the outside infiltration and provocation by any political elements to exploit the situation to become the political mass action to reach a certain objective, but the promise of the Chairman of the National Movement of the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI, Habib Rizieg will strengthen the preventive action by the Police. Habib Rezxieg earnestly proposed the Police to permit and to give the safety support to the implementation of the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI.
Beside of those reasons apparently the Police secretly has designed the secret security operation (SO) to capture and to detain 11 political activist who are suspected actively criticizing the Government. They will be captured in their residence on early in the morning of December 2, 2016. These 11 political activists are detected to have actively attended a number of the closed meeting in several places to discuss the possible political and security situation concerning the implementation of the Mass Action held on December 2, 2016 by those group of the Moslem Society.
Those 11 political activists are suspected going to infiltrate and to provoke those Mass Action in according to their political objectives, namely coming to the House of Representatives and to force the House of Representatives to topple the Head of State.
The implementation of the security operation (SO) that was executed early in the morning of December 2, 2016 by the Police was kept secret. SO was only released to the Media in the next evening after the implementation of the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI mainly the praying together to have been over and all the participants were going home peacefully.
The Success of the Police Security Operation
The Security Concept of the Police to launch the Security Operation (SO) executed in early in the morning of December 2, 2016 before the Mass Action with praying together to be started and the release of SO to the Media is only made in the evening after the agenda of the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI was over, to be apparently successful. The perfect peaceful situation of the Mass Action with the praying together was perfectly implemented. Not any disturbance to have taken place during the praying together was done by all those participants estimated of millions people. The participants of the praying together were also going home peacefully.
Those 11 Political activists were captured because they are suspected going to infiltrate and to provoke then to exploit the Mass Action to move as the Mass Political Action to be designed coming to the House of Representative to force the House to decide to topple the Head of State. However the political objective of those 11 activist was fail. The Police was successfully to prevent the will of those 11 Political activists to be performed.
The security analysis of the Police was correct and the Police was successfully to perform the perfect peaceful situation of the Praying together. The implementation of the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI was perfectly performed. The People tend to say satisfactorily the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI conducted on December 2, 2016 was called as "the Beautiful 212 Praying Together" in Jakarta.
It is estimated millions of people were joining this praying together but not any accidence to take place since the beginning until all the people went home. The Chief of Police Gen Tito Karnavian felt it was really amazing that those of millions of participants of the Religious Event to have performed their praying together smoothly and peacefully since the beginning of the agenda until the agenda has totally and perfectly over and smoothly those millions of people went home. Not any bad report from all around the State Capital of Jakarta affected by the Mass Action of those Moslem Society to have been recorded by the Media. Many observers said that it was really the blessing of God of Almighty to Jakarta being the State Capital of Indonesia and its inhabitants.
The Police believed that the success of the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI is tactically resulted by the Correct Security Operation (SO) to capture those 11 Political Activists in early in the morning of December 2, 2016.
Accordingly Police also suspected that those 11 political activist are likely the political group who created the minor chaos happened after the closing period of the First Mass Action of November 4, 2016.
However apparently the problem of the capture and the detention of those 11 political activists has become the legal problem that should be solved by the Police. On December 9, 2016 surprisingly one more political activist was captured and detained by the Police as the additional suspected political activist who wishes to topple the Head of State.
The Issue on To Topple The Head of State
Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, Human Right and Security Affairs Gen Wiranto in the limited briefing to a group of religion leaders was remnding every body of this country to be aware and alert that the giant Mass Action is vulnerable for the national stability. He reminded that the situation such as happened in Jakarta in 1998 should not to take place again. This reminder was likely given by Gen Wiranto to response to the Giant Mass Action happen on November 4, 2016 conducted by a group of Moslem society to support the declaration of MUI declaring that Ahok, the Governor of Jakarta to have offended the Holy Quran.
The reminder was also likely expected to remind all of the Indonesian society to remember to the situation of Jakarta in 1998 when the Giant Mass Action done by millions of students had been exploited by a certain political elements to force the Student Action to occupy the Building of the House of Representatives and to force the House to topple the Head of State. Incidentally Gen Wiranto was the Commander of the Indonesian National Military who was directly involved in the situation of Jakarta in May 1998.
Gen Wiranto said he had met Gen Tito Karnavian, Chief of Police to discuss the present situation of Jakarta concerning the giant Mass Action conducted by a group of Moslem Society to support the declaration of MUI. Both of those Security leaders agreed that the Situation such as happened in Jakarta on May 1998 should not happen again.
Consequently likely in line to Gen Wiranto reminder, a few days before November 25, 2016 Gen Tito Karnavian told the Media that the Police rejects the proposal of the group of Moslem society to get the permit of the Police to conduct the so called the Second Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI on November 25, 2016 and the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI on December 2, 2016. Gen Tito Karnavian said that the Second Mass Action plan to be held on November 25, 2016 and the Third Mass Action plan to be held on Decembert 2, 2016 are vulnerable to be infiltrated and exploited by a certain political elements to topple the Head of State. Gen Tito Karnavian said that he got the intelligent rapport stated that a group of political elements want to control those two Mass Action and to command them to occupy the House of Representative and to force the House to topple the Head of State.
Those 11 political activists were captured because they were apparently suspected to have plan to topple the Head of State. This Police SO had clearly surprised the various security observer of the society. However a number of leaders included the former Chief of BIN, Lieut. General Soetiyoso said that he believes the Police certainly to have had the strong information as the basic reason to capture those 11 political activists.
The responsibility of the Police
Every body is happy because the agenda of praying together as the implementation of the Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI had been run beautifully and apparently President Jokowi, Vice President JK and Chief of Police Gen Tito Karnavian were also joining the praying.
President Jokowi was speaking shortly calling all of the participants to thank to God Almighty and to feel happy that the praying together went smoothly and peacefully and President Jokowi also expressed his grateful to all the participants of this beautiful event who have prayed together for the peaceful situation of the Country.
The Chief of Police General Tito Karnavian felt happy that apparently the Police had been successful in their mission to safe those Third Mass Action organized by the National Movement to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI, declaring that Ahok is offending the Holy Quran.
However it is apparently Chief of Police General Tito Karnavian aside of his happiness he has the responsibility to clarify what he had stated many times the political problem of to topple the Head of State by a certain political elements since his public statement he delivered before November 25, 2016.
The Chief of Police General Tito Karnavian should also be ready expressing his responsibility concerning the Police Security Operation (SO) to capture those 11 political activist on early in the morning of December 2, 2016, even though eight of them had been released but the other three are still in detention and Rakhmawati because of sick she could stay at home but still likely to be under Police control. Meanwhile it was reported one more political activist was also captured on December 9, 2016. He is now detained by the Police of Jakarta.
All of these political and security problems are definitely a crucial problems, but it likely the Police has had enough basic information about all of those problems for the further investigation and confirmation.
The further prediction
On Tuesday December 13, 2016 the first legal process of Ahok in the Court Session is started. This event is clearly in line with the demand of a certain group of the Moslem Society that Ahok should be processed legally. Accordingly the Government is expecting that those group of Moslem Society should stop their mass action. It is likely difficult to predict what will happen, but it is likely the development of the Court Session will strongly influence the situation. However all the people are expected to be wise and mature. The Unity, Stability and Mutual Respect is the most essential element of his country.
The Conclusion
The Third Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI, which declared that Ahok to have offended the Holy Quran, to have been conducted beautifully. Those Moslem society has demonstrated their character as the discipline, faithful and to have highly moral of being the Indonesian Citizens. This elements have apparently constituted the peace and order situation during the moment of praying together.
Accordingly another Mass Action to Safeguard the Declaration of MUI is unlikely necessary, because the case of Ahok has been legally processed and brought to Court started on Tuesday December 13, 2016.
It is also hoped that during the implementation of Court, those Moslem society will demonstrate their character of discipline, faithful and to have high moral attitude being the Indonesian nation.
In line with this idea everybody should patiently wait the decision of Court and to respect whatever the decision of the Court will be made.
However the development in the Court Session will strongly influence the attitude of the Moslem Society. Accordingly everybody should be able to control therir respective mind and to analyze legally, scientifically, religiously and humanly to all of the Court decision.
Being a democratic country the political issue of to topple the Head of State and the capture of those 11 and another one political activist should be likely concluded legally and in justice by the Court.
*) Written by the Political and Security Observer, lives in Jakarta.
Editor : M. Tohamaksun
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Megapolitan 2016