The tragedy of 30 September 1965 was a big part in Indonesian history. The incident was one that can never be forgotten. However, there are some group of people that try to distort the story of the incident or try to make the young generation forget the incident of the kidnapping and the murder of 6 Army Generals before they were buried in a well at Lubang Buaya area, East Jakarta. According to the history, Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) was the one responsible for the bloody incident. Nevertheless, various elements try to verify the real story through discussion, symposium, even reconciliation.

"We can not become Indonesia without the Pancasila (Anhar Gonggong)." The statement proposed by the Historian Anhar Gonggong is very relevant since Pancasila is the foundation of Indonesia. The sanctity of Pancasila was originated from the events of 30 September  1965 on which supporters of Communism conducted rebellion and were allegedly going to conduct a coup against the legitimate government. But the coup was a failure despite the murder of six generals. It was noted that the supporters of Communism in Indonesia had several times conducted rebellion, namely in 1948 and 1965
A clear evidence that Pancasila is powerful is the success of Indonesia as a nation to stop the coup plan that aimed to change the ideology. Pancasila has also successfully united the Indonesian and prevented many threats. It unites the Indonesian that consists of various religions and different cultures. Pancasila is able to counter the latent threat of communism and other radical thoughts. There is no place for communism to grow in Indonesia as long as Pancasila still belongs to Indonesian.

Communism has become the ideology for some countries in the world. Many thought that communism was 'dead' by the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. Although communism seemed almost extinct, some communist parties still exists with various changes in form. In the history of Indonesia, PKI, with several times of rebellion, has proven that they want power and  want to replace Pancasila with Communist ideology. Currently, the communist ideology is still growing and developing new styles and ways. They are always claiming to be on behalf of the people and opposing government policy. However, in fact, it is the people who ultimately suffer due to the interests of the communist group.

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Not only against the government's policy on the pretext that they are on behalf of the people, efforts to distort the historical facts about the crimes of  PKI are continued to be done aiming to repeal MPRS decree No. XXV / MPRS / 1966 on the prohibition of communism in Indonesia and the Indonesian Communist Party. Doing anything at all cost, various forms of efforts were made to preserve the existence of Communism in Indonesia, the ideology has camouflaged and evolved adjusting to the change of era.
 Communism seems to support and accept Pancasila as an ideology of the Indonesian nation, yet their ultimate goal is to transform the nation into a Communist nation. Their main target is changing the legal products in Indonesia through parliament. Many with communist background have joined the political parties in order to sit in Senayan. They believe that if there are many of them in Senayan, the effort to repeal the MPRS Decree No. XXV / MPRS / 1966 will be successful. Therefore, we must be aware and play well in facing the tricks of the new style of communism.

Notwithstanding, efforts to revive Communism in Indonesia with a variety of new styles keep getting rejection from Indonesian society. Like in Yogyakarta, about 1000 people who are members of the Elements of Red and White (EMP), which consists of Laskar Yogyakarta, Laskar Mbah Wiro, Al Jibra, Paksi Katon, GM FKPPI, Banser, BMJ, Kawulo Mataram Society (PSHT), LSA, Sapma PP, FJR, Fusikom PPP, Kokam, Srikandi PP, BPPH and 234 SC expressed their support to government to maintain MPRS Decree No. 25 of 1966 for the sake of Homeland Security and Integrity. During the declaration, they played G 30 S movie in Serangan Umum 1 Maret Monument so that people understand that the communists had created misery and made people and the nation of Indonesia suffering.
All in all, it can be said that if the Indonesian people today still have the philosophy of State and will continue to stand firm, that is the evidence that the Pancasila hitherto "remains powerful", is still believed, still exists, and is still always sung during the flag ceremony, though is being limited in terms of the implementation in the life of each of us individually, socially and in state level.

Pewarta: I Nurdin

Editor : M. Tohamaksun

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Megapolitan 2016