On Wednesday 7/6/ 2017 around 10.00 Am President Jokowi inaugurated the Steering Committee of the Presidential Working Unit for the building up of the Pancasila Ideology (UKP-PIP) and Chief of UKP-PIP held in the ceremony in the State Palace in Central Jakarta.
The Inauguration of the Steering Committee which consists of nine members of persons and the Chief of the Presidential Working Unit for the Building Up of the Pancasila Ideology (UKP-PIP) is based on the Presidential Decision Number 31/M in 2017.
UKP-PIP as non structural organization of the Presidential Working Unit which is working and responsible to the President is founded based on the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 54 in 2017 signed by President Jokowi on May 19, 2017 and released to the public on June 1, 2017.
Those nine persons member of te Steering Committee of the Presidential Working Unit for the Building up of the Pancasila Ideology are Megawati Soekarnoputeri, Try Soetrisno, Mahfud MD, Syafi'i Ma'arif, Ma'ruf Amin, Said Aqil Siradj, Adreas Anangguru Yewangoe, Wisnu Bawa Tenaga, and Sudhamek WS.
Megawati Soekarnoputri as the former of the Fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia is appointed as the Leader of the Steering Committee of the UKP-PIP. As the Chief of UKP-PIP Presiden Jokowi appointed Yudi Latief which is considered as one of among the capable scholars to understand the National Philosophy of Pancasila. A number of comments have been raised by the politician, the leaders of the Legislative Bodies and Observers expressing their view.
The Leaders of the Legislative Body were in general appreciating President Jokowi policy to establish the UKP-PIP, they considered as the important Government Institution to replace P-7 and P-4 of the New Order Government which were stopped by the Reform Order alleged as the political tool of President Soeharto to strengthen his political power. The political allegation that has been definitely wrong and now we realize the awareness of the Indonesian people to Pancasila philosophy are definitely very weak. So it is hoped the establishment of UKP-PIP is not just ceremonial event and for the making of the political image.
The appointment of Megawati is considered by a Politician to be politically motivated as the effort to strengthen the political image of the Chairwoman of PDI-P as the ruling political party.
Meanwhile it is still considered not satisfy and un-finished answer to the question why the appointment of Din Samsudin as the member of the Steering Committee of UKP-PIP is cancelled. Definitely Din Damsudin is believed to be the capable Moslem Scholar to talk on Pancasila Philosophy.
Luckily since there is no clear remark given by President Jokowi and Yudi Latief what is actually UKP-PIP, what is the Objectives and what its clear Operational Program, Mahfud MD has given his view what is the similarity and the difference character of UKP-PIP of President Jokowi Government compared to P-7 and P-4 Institution of the New Order Government. These are considered similar in general idea but done by a little bit different as non-structural organization and its objective.
UKP-PIP Likes BP-7 at New Order Regime ?
Last but not least observers tend to say that though Yudi Latief said this Presidential Working Unit for the Building Up of Pancasila Ideology created by President Jokowi is different to the organization implemented by the New Order Government but observer tend to believed the present Government Institution is definitely inspired by the foundation of the Steering Body for the Educational Program of the Building Up the Pancasila Ideology called BP-7 and the Body to Implement the Education for the Building up the Pancasila Ideology called P-4 during the New Order Government. How ever the UKP-PIP will not be active in educational program it should be done by all the group of the Indonesian people respectively.
The another essential different objective is likely President Jokowi wishing the Presidential Working Unit to Build Up the Pancasila Ideology could make the description on the character of all principles of Pancasila in the daily life especially the result produced by the national development which are based on Pancasila Ideology. Now the so called the social-gap among the society is considered larger and larger. So the description of the prosperity based on the philosophy of Pancasila should be clear.
The wish of President Jokowi that Pancasila should be deliberated objectively is very true. A number of development project are now considered as not in line with the Pancasila principles.
Politically the constitution said all the national resources should be utilized as biggest benefit as possible for the people prosperity but is apparently the exploitation of the national resources in Tembaga Pura is strongly considered as not tasted by the Papuan people proportionally. The result of Tembaga Pura has been unclear but the wide area of around Tembaga Pura has been dramatically damaged and it is definitely impossible to be renewed.
Based on Pancasila Philosophy the Government of Indonesia has to stopped the Exploration of Tembagapura to be exploited proportionally in line with the Pancasila Philosophy or we let the continue of the not satisfy feeling and radicalism to rise in the Regional of Papua.
The New Order Government was focussing its agenda to strengthen the Program of the education as the essential means to make the new generation to understand what is Pancasila Philosophy but President Jokowi is likely wishing to be able applying the principles of Pancasila to be realistic character in the result of the national development.
The leaders of the House of Representative and the Consultative Assembly are appreciating highly to the decision for the foundation of the Presidential Working Unit to strengthen the build up the Pancasila Philosophy in the daily life and they are hopping what is done now by President Jokowi is just only for the political image in facing the Presidential Election of 2019.
Accordingly Observer tend to expect those leaders of the House of Representative and The People Consultative Assembly actually should be realize that the decision of President Jokowi is only the Government decision that could be changed anytime when the Government is replaced.
Definitely the Country of Indonesia needs the State Decision as the result of the National Consensus which could last forever. The amendment of the Constitution to transfer back the Status and the Legislative Right of the Consultative Assembly (MPR) as the highest holder of the People's sovereignty should likely be made, but it will be long processed and the threat against the four pillars of the country are continuously arises urgently and stronger.
So the in-conventional national consensus among the Legislative Bodies and the Government should be likely and especially conducted to decide what should be done responding the decision of the Government of President Jokowi to create the Presidential Working Unit for the Building of Pancasila Ideology in line of the growing threat to the four pillars of the country of Indonesia. The only decision of the Government is unlikely enough and the state decision should be made.
Realizing that the threat of ISIS terrorism is the urgent devil to the Country of Indonesia, it is likely the National Consensus to strengthen the awareness of the Indonesian People to the National Philosophy of Pancasila is the urgent need to counter the ISIS threat.
Accordfingly the decision on the continuous agenda and program should be done by the State of Indonesia designed by the in-conventional meeting among the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), the House of Representative (DPR) and the Government (The Cabinet):
First, the urgent State Agenda and Program of strengthening the Philosophy of Pancasila Resistance among the Religious young generation against the urgent threat posed by the ISIS terrorism. In this urgent program the Cooperation between UKLP-PIP, BNPT and the Ministry of Religion is necessary.
Second, the medium state agenda and program of education among the Young Generation in the school similarly done by P-4 of the New Order Government. For this medium agenda it is definitely important the cooperation between UKP-PIP with the Educational Ministry to be made.
Third, the state long range agenda and program to elaborate the principles of Pancasila and the constitution in all the Government National Development National Projects (the case of Tembagapura) and the regional development program (the case of Teluk Jakarta Reclamation Project, the Ciliwung Edge River Reclamation Project).
On the third agenda and program (long range agenda and national program) of socializing the Pancasila Philosophy it is likely considered important the question of implementing the economic development based on Pancasila Philosophy to be introduced and discussed among the world class economic business society in Indonesia.
*) Political and Security Observer.
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Megapolitan 2017
The Inauguration of the Steering Committee which consists of nine members of persons and the Chief of the Presidential Working Unit for the Building Up of the Pancasila Ideology (UKP-PIP) is based on the Presidential Decision Number 31/M in 2017.
UKP-PIP as non structural organization of the Presidential Working Unit which is working and responsible to the President is founded based on the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 54 in 2017 signed by President Jokowi on May 19, 2017 and released to the public on June 1, 2017.
Those nine persons member of te Steering Committee of the Presidential Working Unit for the Building up of the Pancasila Ideology are Megawati Soekarnoputeri, Try Soetrisno, Mahfud MD, Syafi'i Ma'arif, Ma'ruf Amin, Said Aqil Siradj, Adreas Anangguru Yewangoe, Wisnu Bawa Tenaga, and Sudhamek WS.
Megawati Soekarnoputri as the former of the Fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia is appointed as the Leader of the Steering Committee of the UKP-PIP. As the Chief of UKP-PIP Presiden Jokowi appointed Yudi Latief which is considered as one of among the capable scholars to understand the National Philosophy of Pancasila. A number of comments have been raised by the politician, the leaders of the Legislative Bodies and Observers expressing their view.
The Leaders of the Legislative Body were in general appreciating President Jokowi policy to establish the UKP-PIP, they considered as the important Government Institution to replace P-7 and P-4 of the New Order Government which were stopped by the Reform Order alleged as the political tool of President Soeharto to strengthen his political power. The political allegation that has been definitely wrong and now we realize the awareness of the Indonesian people to Pancasila philosophy are definitely very weak. So it is hoped the establishment of UKP-PIP is not just ceremonial event and for the making of the political image.
The appointment of Megawati is considered by a Politician to be politically motivated as the effort to strengthen the political image of the Chairwoman of PDI-P as the ruling political party.
Meanwhile it is still considered not satisfy and un-finished answer to the question why the appointment of Din Samsudin as the member of the Steering Committee of UKP-PIP is cancelled. Definitely Din Damsudin is believed to be the capable Moslem Scholar to talk on Pancasila Philosophy.
Luckily since there is no clear remark given by President Jokowi and Yudi Latief what is actually UKP-PIP, what is the Objectives and what its clear Operational Program, Mahfud MD has given his view what is the similarity and the difference character of UKP-PIP of President Jokowi Government compared to P-7 and P-4 Institution of the New Order Government. These are considered similar in general idea but done by a little bit different as non-structural organization and its objective.
UKP-PIP Likes BP-7 at New Order Regime ?
Last but not least observers tend to say that though Yudi Latief said this Presidential Working Unit for the Building Up of Pancasila Ideology created by President Jokowi is different to the organization implemented by the New Order Government but observer tend to believed the present Government Institution is definitely inspired by the foundation of the Steering Body for the Educational Program of the Building Up the Pancasila Ideology called BP-7 and the Body to Implement the Education for the Building up the Pancasila Ideology called P-4 during the New Order Government. How ever the UKP-PIP will not be active in educational program it should be done by all the group of the Indonesian people respectively.
The another essential different objective is likely President Jokowi wishing the Presidential Working Unit to Build Up the Pancasila Ideology could make the description on the character of all principles of Pancasila in the daily life especially the result produced by the national development which are based on Pancasila Ideology. Now the so called the social-gap among the society is considered larger and larger. So the description of the prosperity based on the philosophy of Pancasila should be clear.
The wish of President Jokowi that Pancasila should be deliberated objectively is very true. A number of development project are now considered as not in line with the Pancasila principles.
Politically the constitution said all the national resources should be utilized as biggest benefit as possible for the people prosperity but is apparently the exploitation of the national resources in Tembaga Pura is strongly considered as not tasted by the Papuan people proportionally. The result of Tembaga Pura has been unclear but the wide area of around Tembaga Pura has been dramatically damaged and it is definitely impossible to be renewed.
Based on Pancasila Philosophy the Government of Indonesia has to stopped the Exploration of Tembagapura to be exploited proportionally in line with the Pancasila Philosophy or we let the continue of the not satisfy feeling and radicalism to rise in the Regional of Papua.
The New Order Government was focussing its agenda to strengthen the Program of the education as the essential means to make the new generation to understand what is Pancasila Philosophy but President Jokowi is likely wishing to be able applying the principles of Pancasila to be realistic character in the result of the national development.
The leaders of the House of Representative and the Consultative Assembly are appreciating highly to the decision for the foundation of the Presidential Working Unit to strengthen the build up the Pancasila Philosophy in the daily life and they are hopping what is done now by President Jokowi is just only for the political image in facing the Presidential Election of 2019.
Accordingly Observer tend to expect those leaders of the House of Representative and The People Consultative Assembly actually should be realize that the decision of President Jokowi is only the Government decision that could be changed anytime when the Government is replaced.
Definitely the Country of Indonesia needs the State Decision as the result of the National Consensus which could last forever. The amendment of the Constitution to transfer back the Status and the Legislative Right of the Consultative Assembly (MPR) as the highest holder of the People's sovereignty should likely be made, but it will be long processed and the threat against the four pillars of the country are continuously arises urgently and stronger.
So the in-conventional national consensus among the Legislative Bodies and the Government should be likely and especially conducted to decide what should be done responding the decision of the Government of President Jokowi to create the Presidential Working Unit for the Building of Pancasila Ideology in line of the growing threat to the four pillars of the country of Indonesia. The only decision of the Government is unlikely enough and the state decision should be made.
Realizing that the threat of ISIS terrorism is the urgent devil to the Country of Indonesia, it is likely the National Consensus to strengthen the awareness of the Indonesian People to the National Philosophy of Pancasila is the urgent need to counter the ISIS threat.
Accordfingly the decision on the continuous agenda and program should be done by the State of Indonesia designed by the in-conventional meeting among the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), the House of Representative (DPR) and the Government (The Cabinet):
First, the urgent State Agenda and Program of strengthening the Philosophy of Pancasila Resistance among the Religious young generation against the urgent threat posed by the ISIS terrorism. In this urgent program the Cooperation between UKLP-PIP, BNPT and the Ministry of Religion is necessary.
Second, the medium state agenda and program of education among the Young Generation in the school similarly done by P-4 of the New Order Government. For this medium agenda it is definitely important the cooperation between UKP-PIP with the Educational Ministry to be made.
Third, the state long range agenda and program to elaborate the principles of Pancasila and the constitution in all the Government National Development National Projects (the case of Tembagapura) and the regional development program (the case of Teluk Jakarta Reclamation Project, the Ciliwung Edge River Reclamation Project).
On the third agenda and program (long range agenda and national program) of socializing the Pancasila Philosophy it is likely considered important the question of implementing the economic development based on Pancasila Philosophy to be introduced and discussed among the world class economic business society in Indonesia.
*) Political and Security Observer.
Editor : M. Tohamaksun
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Megapolitan 2017