Nusa Dua, Bali (Antara Megapolitan) - The three-days extraordinary congress of Golkar ended here on Monday naming Setya Novanto its new new general chairman.
Setya Novanto was declared winner of the election after Ade Komarudin, his contender in the second round of voting, withdrew.
Setya Novanto led in the first round of election gathering 277 votes. Ade followed with 173 votes or more than 30 percent in the extraordinary congress here on Monday.
Other candidates succeeded only in gathering less than 30 percent of the total votes.
According to the election rule only candidates collecting more than 30 percent of the votes could proceed to the second round of voting.
Ade, who is now the House speaker, and Setya Novanto, chairman of the Golkar faction at the parliament, therefore, were to contest the second round of voting for the top post of the country's second largest party.
Ade, however, said that he quit leaving Setya Novanto without contender and Nurdin Halid, the chairman of the congress session declared Setya Novanto new general chairman.
The extraordinary congress was held to form new central executive board of the party after the split in leadership since the presidential election in 2014.
Penerjemah: A. Saragih/Yosep.
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Megapolitan 2016
Setya Novanto was declared winner of the election after Ade Komarudin, his contender in the second round of voting, withdrew.
Setya Novanto led in the first round of election gathering 277 votes. Ade followed with 173 votes or more than 30 percent in the extraordinary congress here on Monday.
Other candidates succeeded only in gathering less than 30 percent of the total votes.
According to the election rule only candidates collecting more than 30 percent of the votes could proceed to the second round of voting.
Ade, who is now the House speaker, and Setya Novanto, chairman of the Golkar faction at the parliament, therefore, were to contest the second round of voting for the top post of the country's second largest party.
Ade, however, said that he quit leaving Setya Novanto without contender and Nurdin Halid, the chairman of the congress session declared Setya Novanto new general chairman.
The extraordinary congress was held to form new central executive board of the party after the split in leadership since the presidential election in 2014.
Penerjemah: A. Saragih/Yosep.
Editor : M. Tohamaksun
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Megapolitan 2016