The leader of 212 Alumni Brotherhood or known as PA 212, Slamet Ma'arif said after 2019 general elections, PA 212 movement will change their strategy from political movement to moral force movement. Responding to Ma'arif's statement, mostly public laugh and they have question about it, who will responsible to change PA 212 strategy? Ma'arif himself or its decided by team or collegial mechanism?.
PA 212 had built based on Ahok's blasphemy case prior to 2017 Jakarta's governor elections. Since then, PA 212 which had built from several "unregistered mass organisation" such as GNPF Ulema, former HTI activist etc had been successfully mobilized "floating mass" who had hatred to Ahok's statement. Because that, people said 212 movement is political movement.
Baca juga: Reuni PA 212 Apakah Perlu ?
Difference situation during 2017 Jakarta's governor elections and 2019 presidential elections, relatively 212 movement does not has strategic political issues. Some pundits are predicting issues such as Rizieq Shihab's case, Sukmawati's case and Palestina's case will be explored and propaganded by them to attrack public attention to come in mass gathering on December 2, 2019. Because PA 212 had been claimed and declared that those events will be attended at least 7 million people. Several pundits said those claim did not reality because the political influence from PA 212 high rank elite such as Slamet Ma'arif, Yusuf Martak and Haikal Hasan go to decrease because the mass political notion relatively same about PA 212 does not moral force movement, because they are pragmatic political movement.
Baca juga: Reuni 212: Apa Manfaatnya Sih ?
If the next December 2 movement does not attend by 7 million people, it will have several consequences or impacts such as first of all, PA 212 movement does not claim if they are represent the sounds of muslim community in Indonesia. Secondly, people who are not same idea and same purpose with them, perhaps they will make political petition to government to abonden or forbiding PA 212 existence indeed PA 212 also does not has legal standing and legal status as legal mass organisation. Thirdly, Indonesian people have believe in the government will take firmly law enforcement related to Sukmawati's case. Regarding to Rizieq's case, people know those case based on Rizieq's blunder himself and government does not interfere his case in Saudi Arabia. If Rizieq can solve his problem with Saudi Arabia's government, Indonesia government will allow any time if Rizieq will back to Indonesia. And regarding to Palestina's case, Indonesia has always support Palestina's independence in several international forum.
Because that, we will better if do not come to the next PA 212 mass gathering. Traveling with our lovely son and wife also our relatives and colleagues will more better to enjoy it. Hopefully. (17/*).
*) Writer is lecturer and political analysis.
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Megapolitan 2019
PA 212 had built based on Ahok's blasphemy case prior to 2017 Jakarta's governor elections. Since then, PA 212 which had built from several "unregistered mass organisation" such as GNPF Ulema, former HTI activist etc had been successfully mobilized "floating mass" who had hatred to Ahok's statement. Because that, people said 212 movement is political movement.
Baca juga: Reuni PA 212 Apakah Perlu ?
Difference situation during 2017 Jakarta's governor elections and 2019 presidential elections, relatively 212 movement does not has strategic political issues. Some pundits are predicting issues such as Rizieq Shihab's case, Sukmawati's case and Palestina's case will be explored and propaganded by them to attrack public attention to come in mass gathering on December 2, 2019. Because PA 212 had been claimed and declared that those events will be attended at least 7 million people. Several pundits said those claim did not reality because the political influence from PA 212 high rank elite such as Slamet Ma'arif, Yusuf Martak and Haikal Hasan go to decrease because the mass political notion relatively same about PA 212 does not moral force movement, because they are pragmatic political movement.
Baca juga: Reuni 212: Apa Manfaatnya Sih ?
If the next December 2 movement does not attend by 7 million people, it will have several consequences or impacts such as first of all, PA 212 movement does not claim if they are represent the sounds of muslim community in Indonesia. Secondly, people who are not same idea and same purpose with them, perhaps they will make political petition to government to abonden or forbiding PA 212 existence indeed PA 212 also does not has legal standing and legal status as legal mass organisation. Thirdly, Indonesian people have believe in the government will take firmly law enforcement related to Sukmawati's case. Regarding to Rizieq's case, people know those case based on Rizieq's blunder himself and government does not interfere his case in Saudi Arabia. If Rizieq can solve his problem with Saudi Arabia's government, Indonesia government will allow any time if Rizieq will back to Indonesia. And regarding to Palestina's case, Indonesia has always support Palestina's independence in several international forum.
Because that, we will better if do not come to the next PA 212 mass gathering. Traveling with our lovely son and wife also our relatives and colleagues will more better to enjoy it. Hopefully. (17/*).
*) Writer is lecturer and political analysis.
Editor : M. Tohamaksun
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Megapolitan 2019