Why communist issues arise and develop because among other things: first, the ideological factor. Ideology never dies including communist ideology. Post-New Order there is a void in the discourse and ideology praxis Pancasila. An ideological hegemony like the Orbans is weak or even almost non-existent.

Second, the global strategic environment conditions lead to the opening of ideological wars and the emergence of China as a military and economic force that threatens western domination. It all happens because of concerns over China and its allies will become a new superpower. In addition, the incomplete resolution of victims of the G 30 S / PKI incident was seen from human rights perceptions as well as national and international pressure on the resolution of serious violation cases in Indonesia including against the 1965 victims, since the reforms enabled the 1965 victims to claim rights that had been neglected.

Third, the political factor. Utilization of communist issues as political maneuvers by various groups (especially political Islam groups). The communist issue was used to pressure President Jokowi and the government associated with the propaganda of a new style of communism and China's influence in relations between countries.

This was stated by Dr. Muhammad AS Hikam, APU in a public discussion entitled "PKI Awakening: Issues or Reality?" In Jakarta while adding the capitalization of communist issues to Pileg and the 2019 presidential election will be used by President Jokowi's political opponents.

In this case, political Islam groups will use the issue, even political Islam groups will try hard to influence the TNI to become comrades in arms using the new style of communist threat.

"The strategic implication of the issue of the revival of the PKI becomes a very important land for political Islam groups. Therefore, the government must be firm but measurable on the issues of the revival of the PKI," said the former Minister of Research and Technology in the era of President Gus Dur.

According to AS Hikam who is also a lecturer at Sesko TNI, history proves that the PKI has made three movements, namely 1926, 1948, and 19 65, and all have been dissolved by the government through TAP MPRS No. 25 of 1966 which until now is still valid.

Meanwhile, Tubagus Hasanuddin said that the PKI became an important actor in the 30 September 1965 Movement which was later annihilated, whereas in the PDI itself whether there was a child of the PKI the answer existed because Ybs admitted it, but the other party was there, the answer was many but did not want to confess.

"Opportunities for the revival of the PKI in Indonesia itself have been closed down with 3 regulations that have been made," added the PDIP politician while explaining the rise of communism is reality or issue, then the answer is unpopular communist into a struggle movement, because it is relatively eroded by economic development.

In addition, it tends to cause resistance because the communist system is closely linked with authoritarianization. Communist ideology is considered no longer appropriate to the needs of the state in the prosperity of the people. Although there is a possibility of appearing, but with the current situation, not possible.

Meanwhile, Asvi Warman Adam, historian LIPI said, the issue of the revival of the PKI is nonsense (*).

Pewarta: Bayu Kusuma *)

Editor : M. Tohamaksun

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Megapolitan 2017