Non-Muslims are angry because they consider HTI to be considered a waste, HTI attitude is too aggressive and over-acting with khilafah ideology, whereas Pancasila is final. HTI refuses to accept its own faults and refuses to accept the truths of others. HTI should return to da'wah agenda, and economic development, because that is what is needed by the community. This book seeks to resolve the existing problems of HTI. HTI should not have the desire to create a state within the state, not carrying the caliphate.
So it was stated Sofiuddin the author of the book entitled "HTI Political Movement (Can Become Movement Da'wah)" in soft launching his book at Islamic Nusantara Center (INC) Wisma Usaha UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, recently.

"This book talks about HTI, beginning as a view of HTI. The movement is terrifying. Does HTI include da'wah or political movement, propagation related pengajian but politically charged. Ismail Yusanto, once said that HTI is actually a political movement that contains, education, aggregation, articulation and representation," added Sofiudin author of the book while explaining HTI is a movement of da'wah and political movement. Movement dakwahnya similar to the NU.
"HTI anti to this country, but they register to be an organization to be recognized in this country," he said.
Meanwhile, Abdul Mun'im said, Pancasila is the product of Islamic scholars' thought, running Pancasila is the same as running the Islamic Shari'a. Therefore, it is the duty to defend Pancasila.

"The presence of HTI, contrary to NU habits, if HTI is left, will make a clash with other Islamic political parties, we are obliged to defend the country. HTI has an international ideology (Khilafah) that rejects nationalism. Since the beginning, NU has been very critical and urged that HTI be banned and fought. Therefore, NU is very sensitive to the existence of HTI," added the Deputy Secretary General of PBNU.

Another speaker, Adung Abdul Rochman said, there are two groups of the most strategic that is achieved by HTI in spreading fahamnya or in other words for HTI to develop the recruitment of educated and TNI-Polri group.
"The HTI movement has started to infiltrate the clerics, with one by one, then it is so revised that the idea of sharia and khilafah as if supported by the ulama," said Secretary General of PP Ansor NU PP added HTI steps to establish the Khilafah among others by taking power Through political parties, coups, revolutions. This requires a tremendous gamble for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
"NU and Muhammadiyah consider the NKRI is a state of agreement and testimony, because the results of ijtihad of scholars, so that will maintain the integrity of NKRI Secretary General of PP GP Ansor NU," he explained.
Hilmi Assidiqie, one of the young leaders of NU said that Indonesia with Pancasila can support religion, not to overlap, Pancasila should be able to protect its citizens who want to practice their shariah religion.   

Pewarta: Bayu Kusuma

Editor : M. Tohamaksun

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Megapolitan 2017