The process of Islamization in Indonesia is not like in the Arab State that is already embraced Islam, while in Indonesia Islamic customs and beliefs affected by previous still adhered Syiri cultures because Islam was born in Indonesia does not in itself and is influenced by factors Islamization.
Islam in Indonesia is an archipelago of Islam, because it was born as a result of the process of Islamization of some heroic characters, as happens for example in Gowa and Bone influenced by Sultan Alauddin, or in other areas in Indonesia are taught by some of the trustees.
Admittedly, Islam in Sulawesi differs from Java and Sumatra, which in Java and Sumatra, Muslims are more personifying Muslim clerics from the country by saying grave pilgrimage tradition that has become a routine event and not even more personifying scholars or figures from Muslim leaders in other countries. With more respectful word meaning struggle clerics and prominent Islamic leaders in the region itself.
To realize Islam Nusantara was not easy. In the era of the Old Order challenged by the emergence of DI/TII that seeks to enforce Islamic law is a new movement that emerged from the existence of the Islamic nation.
Today, emerging Islamic movements such as the Wahhabis, HTI and others in Indonesia caused a stir so that the indication of terrorism involvement in these groups. The impact cause divisions among the Muslims that Islam Nusantara result in a conflict that increasingly eroded.
The movement of this transnational ideology in every action has always been characterized by the emergence of movements such as the Indonesian flag that reads Lafadz God is an attitude that mixed something with influences from the Middle East.
Many people judge the actual group spreader ideology transnational in Indonesia is not a person who understands the history of Islam in Indonesia is correct, because the nature of Islam in Indonesia and Islam in the Middle East are the two things are different where the influence, teachings and history of Islam who was born in Indonesia and The middle East.
Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) Phenomenon
Many people judge that HTI is incompatible with the teachings of Pancasila and the Law for HTI is more intent on destroying democracy and promoting the rule of the caliphate. The emergence of the Indonesian flag bertulisakan Lafadz God on rallies that occurred in Jakarta is an insult to the country, as if the flag was used as a green color is formed flag of one country in the Middle East. However, HTI organization whose aim is to enforce a caliphate, which are incompatible with the 4 pillars of Indonesian nationality.
Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) is a registered community organizations in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Indonesia, but in practice the struggle for the establishment of the Khilafah system and anti against Pancasila, democracy, as well as other ideologies. HTI run socialization efforts have led to the rejection of the Prophet flag, thus potentially lead to conflict if it is not anticipated.
Not only plantations are now widely discussed in the community but also the FPI. The two organizations are widely discussed phenomenon gait and good in a discussion or a seminar in Jakarta or in some areas, also became viral in some communities or user netizens Medsos in various areas with the main message HTI and FPI whether attendance is required by the Indonesian people?.
Finally discourse related to the demands of the dissolution of HTI and FPI spread everywhere, especially in the aftermath of a brawl between the masses GP Ansor with a group of FPI members who were present to support the activities of HTI at the intersection Jalan Jend Sudirman - Jalan Kartini in Makassar, South Sulawesi on 16 April 2017.
The commotion was initially triggered by the individual members of the FPI of Makassar on behalf of M alias H when speech expressed the statement of sarcasm and cynicism to assess any parties who reject the activities of HTI is a communist and pagan waving flags and say that this thing is not the flag of a terrorist but the phrase of unity lailahaillallah.
The flag was subsequently seized by some youths attempted Ansor located around Jl. Sudirman or Karebosi field of mass hand HTI stating this flag should not be flying in Indonesia, causing a bone of contention between the mass HTI flag of the FPI and the youth element Ansor.
The phenomenon about the existence of HTI with singular struggle Khilafah Islamiyah is also discussed in Barru, South Sulawesi involving various stakeholders. The meeting point suggested that the central government and local governments to maintain the four pillars of nationalism, and the need for a meeting or dialogue facilitated by HTI and hope and to encourage the organizations that want to replace the Pancasila state ideology with the ideology whatsoever to return to the Homeland.
Even people in Barru expect more optimal role of the presence of the Regional Intelligence Community (Kominda) in the early detection of the things that can compromise the security of the state.
Recognized or not, the existence of HTI is an alarming situation and national conditions, it can even endanger the existence of the Republic of Indonesia to the ideology of Pancasila, for HTI that are enforcing the work program clearly caliphate system in Indonesia is diametrically opposed to Pancasila itself.
Not only that, in a variety of propaganda HTI themed "Caliphate Liabilities Syari, Street Revival Ummah" also socialized attitude HTI who resist and reject foreign investors, clearly worried about the people of Indonesia because somehow without foreign investment as "the blood of the economy" it is not prosperity the country achieved but poverty, backwardness and even disintegration as a result of the national economic downturn. Such understanding is that less recognized by HTI itself so that its existence gets a reaction of counter increasingly enlarged and expanded.
In fact, one of the leaders of Islam in Central Kalimantan said that, if proven there is tendency to spread the ideology of the caliphate by HTI, then law enforcement can follow it up through the legal process. It is not the concept that is suitable to be applied in Indonesia. In addition, HTI has no clerical figure homeland and do not have a national vision, and do not have a real commitment to the community and the state. So, what next?.
*) The author is the observer of social and cultural issues. Staying in Pandeglang, Banten.
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Megapolitan 2017
Islam in Indonesia is an archipelago of Islam, because it was born as a result of the process of Islamization of some heroic characters, as happens for example in Gowa and Bone influenced by Sultan Alauddin, or in other areas in Indonesia are taught by some of the trustees.
Admittedly, Islam in Sulawesi differs from Java and Sumatra, which in Java and Sumatra, Muslims are more personifying Muslim clerics from the country by saying grave pilgrimage tradition that has become a routine event and not even more personifying scholars or figures from Muslim leaders in other countries. With more respectful word meaning struggle clerics and prominent Islamic leaders in the region itself.
To realize Islam Nusantara was not easy. In the era of the Old Order challenged by the emergence of DI/TII that seeks to enforce Islamic law is a new movement that emerged from the existence of the Islamic nation.
Today, emerging Islamic movements such as the Wahhabis, HTI and others in Indonesia caused a stir so that the indication of terrorism involvement in these groups. The impact cause divisions among the Muslims that Islam Nusantara result in a conflict that increasingly eroded.
The movement of this transnational ideology in every action has always been characterized by the emergence of movements such as the Indonesian flag that reads Lafadz God is an attitude that mixed something with influences from the Middle East.
Many people judge the actual group spreader ideology transnational in Indonesia is not a person who understands the history of Islam in Indonesia is correct, because the nature of Islam in Indonesia and Islam in the Middle East are the two things are different where the influence, teachings and history of Islam who was born in Indonesia and The middle East.
Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) Phenomenon
Many people judge that HTI is incompatible with the teachings of Pancasila and the Law for HTI is more intent on destroying democracy and promoting the rule of the caliphate. The emergence of the Indonesian flag bertulisakan Lafadz God on rallies that occurred in Jakarta is an insult to the country, as if the flag was used as a green color is formed flag of one country in the Middle East. However, HTI organization whose aim is to enforce a caliphate, which are incompatible with the 4 pillars of Indonesian nationality.
Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) is a registered community organizations in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Indonesia, but in practice the struggle for the establishment of the Khilafah system and anti against Pancasila, democracy, as well as other ideologies. HTI run socialization efforts have led to the rejection of the Prophet flag, thus potentially lead to conflict if it is not anticipated.
Not only plantations are now widely discussed in the community but also the FPI. The two organizations are widely discussed phenomenon gait and good in a discussion or a seminar in Jakarta or in some areas, also became viral in some communities or user netizens Medsos in various areas with the main message HTI and FPI whether attendance is required by the Indonesian people?.
Finally discourse related to the demands of the dissolution of HTI and FPI spread everywhere, especially in the aftermath of a brawl between the masses GP Ansor with a group of FPI members who were present to support the activities of HTI at the intersection Jalan Jend Sudirman - Jalan Kartini in Makassar, South Sulawesi on 16 April 2017.
The commotion was initially triggered by the individual members of the FPI of Makassar on behalf of M alias H when speech expressed the statement of sarcasm and cynicism to assess any parties who reject the activities of HTI is a communist and pagan waving flags and say that this thing is not the flag of a terrorist but the phrase of unity lailahaillallah.
The flag was subsequently seized by some youths attempted Ansor located around Jl. Sudirman or Karebosi field of mass hand HTI stating this flag should not be flying in Indonesia, causing a bone of contention between the mass HTI flag of the FPI and the youth element Ansor.
The phenomenon about the existence of HTI with singular struggle Khilafah Islamiyah is also discussed in Barru, South Sulawesi involving various stakeholders. The meeting point suggested that the central government and local governments to maintain the four pillars of nationalism, and the need for a meeting or dialogue facilitated by HTI and hope and to encourage the organizations that want to replace the Pancasila state ideology with the ideology whatsoever to return to the Homeland.
Even people in Barru expect more optimal role of the presence of the Regional Intelligence Community (Kominda) in the early detection of the things that can compromise the security of the state.
Recognized or not, the existence of HTI is an alarming situation and national conditions, it can even endanger the existence of the Republic of Indonesia to the ideology of Pancasila, for HTI that are enforcing the work program clearly caliphate system in Indonesia is diametrically opposed to Pancasila itself.
Not only that, in a variety of propaganda HTI themed "Caliphate Liabilities Syari, Street Revival Ummah" also socialized attitude HTI who resist and reject foreign investors, clearly worried about the people of Indonesia because somehow without foreign investment as "the blood of the economy" it is not prosperity the country achieved but poverty, backwardness and even disintegration as a result of the national economic downturn. Such understanding is that less recognized by HTI itself so that its existence gets a reaction of counter increasingly enlarged and expanded.
In fact, one of the leaders of Islam in Central Kalimantan said that, if proven there is tendency to spread the ideology of the caliphate by HTI, then law enforcement can follow it up through the legal process. It is not the concept that is suitable to be applied in Indonesia. In addition, HTI has no clerical figure homeland and do not have a national vision, and do not have a real commitment to the community and the state. So, what next?.
*) The author is the observer of social and cultural issues. Staying in Pandeglang, Banten.
Editor : M. Tohamaksun
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Megapolitan 2017