The discussion of the meaning of today's de-radicalization is still quite controversial. This is caused by the emergence of non-scientific thinking and the assumption of some groups who consider that the de-radicalization project only western interests.
Keep in mind that the de-radicalization is a product born from understanding the meaning and form thoughts radix or root. Understanding the meaning of radicalization as a whole is a process that is not spontaneous and requires many steps.

 Therefore, to change the radical thinking in the understanding of de-radicalization, requires the involvement of many parties to make de-radicalization process goes according to expectations.

Definition of Deradicalization

Deradicalization derived from the word radical or radix (in that Greece) gets affix "de" and the suffix "sasi" in Indonesia. The word is taken from the de-radicalization of the English term "Deradicalization" and said it based on word radical. Radical basically derived from the word "radix" in Latin means "root". So is "de-radicalization" is a step to change the attitudes and perspectives that are considered hard to become soft, tolerant, pluralistic, moderate, and liberal.
In the Journal of the Terrorism Research Initiative, deradicalization or dis-engagement explain the different uses of the term de-radicalization (Indonesian) or deradicalization word that has been used by the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF). According to one of the leaders of terrorism, Horgan, deradicalize intended as a combination of two terms which have the idea to make the terrorists to leave or to release violent form of terrorism.

Division of Deradicalization Process

According to the figures, Cilluffo and Saathof, explained that the process of radicalization goes through two phases, namely radicalization of individuals and groups. The radicalization of individuals is the result of a process of radicalization that runs by it (self-radicalization). Usually in this process, the object is undergoing a radical process tends known as a lone wolf (lone wolf) that should not be connected directly to the terror network, but it has potential and vulnerability to be recruited into a terror network.

Meanwhile, the second stage of radicalization of the group is a process whereby a group that has had a radical idea continues to search for individual targets that can be used to be recruited for membership in the group.

Prevention of Terrorism with a "Radicalization"

In the framework of the prevention of terrorism, there are two strategies used the counter-radicalization and de-radicalization. Counter-radicalization program aimed at the general public in order to fortify and strengthen the deterrent power of society from the influence of radicalism.

The activities in this regard such as training, seminars, workshops, to other activities that can pose a spirit and a sense of "look out" of society against any action that is contaminated with elements of radicalism and terrorism.

Meanwhile, de-radicalization program aimed at the termination of the process of radicalization of an object starting from the pre-identification, of an understanding, until jihadisasi though. That's why emerging ideas and to cooperate with other groups in order to undermine the existence of a radical understanding of potentially harmful life of the nation.

Togetherness in Deradicalization Process

Quoting one of the statements of military observers and intelligence figures Susaningtyas Kertopati that the handling of the activities and the activities of radical terrorism is not only done by one or two subjects only. But the role of military, police, BIN, as well as all 17 Institutions Ministry or Non-Ministry more is needed to make the concept of radicalism and the handling of terrorism that is holistic and integrative.

So that the handling about radicalism-terrorism is not just "stuck" on the surface or the surface, but the direction of radical and extremist thinking is also to be eradicated by a radical approach and rooted to the community.

Naturally, Indonesia can be said to be in a state of emergency terrorism today. Due to the absence of the role of all aspects and in the internal of class society, a dream to eradicate terrorist activities in Pancasila earth would just be a concept and Utopian thinking alone.

Therefore, start changing the negative stigma about deradicalization understanding and participating to enforce it for the betterment of Indonesia without hate.

*) Social and Politics Student of University of Indonesia.

Pewarta: Ardian Wiwaha *)

Editor : M. Tohamaksun

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